Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 03, 2023; Accepted Teams: 644 (Total: 661)
Map: Malinovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 03, 2023
Average WN8: 1,491
Total: 644
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Zr4torK [WN] Zr4torK
23,457 53% 1,919
D_emonio [-907-] M_a_d_e_r_a
80,860 55% 1,916
_T_R_E_E_ [CLASX] tree
29,226 54% 1,915
DarterTheVanquisher [FINES] FINES
20,067 54% 1,910
Amomer [HPYHR] Foch B
32,594 53% 1,910
AronJM_1 [NOBBS] equipo crema
6,826 53% 1,907
Volchik [-VOID] Volchik Pride
26,445 59% 1,905
Josh_______ [W--W] 1234567890
33,489 56% 1,901
HighWoltage_Ru [UNIQ] HighVoltage
113,289 53% 1,890
JyRysterCoC [MAHOU] silver sister fister
15,057 55% 1,890
_Raven___ [GROOT] ewqe34
3,536 56% 1,883
reiquaza268 [-BTU-] Noob
25,241 52% 1,876
DirtyMikesPrius [FRTUN] DirtyMike
21,335 52% 1,867
28,459 53% 1,866
ignacio2107 [GOTAR] Ignacio
47,414 53% 1,865
_Vovan4es_ [-VOID] FUFIK
15,145 55% 1,864
DeViL_UnLeAsED [RDDT] Fairy Tail
63,002 53% 1,863
__Quetzal [LANA] Lana's Rhoadent
9,232 56% 1,859
henrysabe1 [X-7] asdasdasdas
7,987 53% 1,857
sgtdan707 [RDDT] Will Not Show Up
19,978 57% 1,855
_Extremsss_ [_300_] _Extrems_
1,385 50% 1,854
_Fede__RS [_SL_] -🐒💣-
11,981 54% 1,842
cTpeJlyaTb_c_To4HocTb [C-I-S] нерушимый союз
43,949 51% 1,840
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] snowflaker
70,646 53% 1,837
Godofdame12345 [_RTF_] \_(*o*)_/
12,205 50% 1,833
Athenarian [_1TAP] [_1TAP] RageHoning
39,614 57% 1,833
I_Am_That [OVERC] Illusions
38,614 51% 1,831
Genesis_Via_Exodus [M_M_E] Literally Free
31,567 53% 1,827
40,967 54% 1,826
PlaysForFree2021 [KINDA] Cloakes
4,192 50% 1,824
Byracki i am bad
41,425 54% 1,821
Boom_MGL [THEHU] boooom
5,106 53% 1,820
Susharik [KZK-A] Smeshariki
63,828 54% 1,820
Buliwyf22 [F__R] Bokbok
54,405 54% 1,819
Sam_Eeveelutions [FURMX] Mexicano
1,984 47% 1,809
15,946 51% 1,804
C_Mynotte Antigone
26,989 53% 1,803
NK_YourGod [W--W] WOT - Play For Free
43,768 54% 1,802
haloalpha [_WOO_] YodayoWOT
16,754 53% 1,800
deadeye18 [VIPR] deadeye18
28,703 53% 1,795
Be3gexog [-VOID] Vegemite
20,196 54% 1,792
MaxiTheToxic [LMDP] FuckU
6,216 54% 1,790
18,108 53% 1,780
Reinier_Guti_rrez [_SL_] RGT10
9,525 50% 1,780
googliamoog [H8TE] wfjtw
55,150 53% 1,780
Christianoxxz messi
47,486 53% 1,775
Decimo_Vongola_Sai_Fujo [FUEGO] Decimo Vongola
28,181 50% 1,769
Marshal_Berthier [83IQ] 83IQ
38,879 52% 1,759
Rollit [SAB3R] joemama
39,092 53% 1,742
Flippity RainbowdashCumJar
21,716 54% 1,740
Total: 644

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