Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 21, 2022; Accepted Teams: 196 (Total: 201)
Map: Cliff
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 21, 2022
Average WN8: 1,297
Total: 196
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
eraser1962 [NUFFS] Eraser
34,895 52% 1,581
rubenmatos [AR_TI] halo
10,179 50% 1,567
Huairapamushka [_2D2_] ‍‍‍‍‍‍
36,276 54% 1,541
ifyalky [AC] ifyalky
34,014 52% 1,533
MightyBlequi [_LHI_] Giovanni Giorgio
11,255 51% 1,526
ZNScomputers [ROLLS] Free Kashmir
25,593 53% 1,518
Griffon327327 [-BTU-] Daddy's_LiL_Princess
108,406 52% 1,508
F0dderman [TRY] f0D'S B0d is G0d
35,341 51% 1,495
awk [SED] vano
70,250 52% 1,487
cost_ady [SMOK3] FORMATA
58,007 51% 1,485
Enri1700 [TMPL] Henry Team
104,212 50% 1,469
LIBYA____17 [0B_B0] rida
72,503 52% 1,467
29,092 51% 1,455
Mistaken_Identity [FNWG] Cannon Fodder
47,028 53% 1,436
tom_____05 [FINES] gamer
18,215 51% 1,423
yourtankmojo forfeighters
59,417 52% 1,417
Lanny_2019 [I_DEA] Amare
10,594 51% 1,405
Sir_Joe [BANDS] Rolex
50,525 51% 1,379
__Avada_Kedavra__ [ALCO] insomnia
11,162 51% 1,375
thiagoklebson [RCBBR] RCBBR.T
6,435 49% 1,373
jo5419 sie sind das essen
43,004 51% 1,371
40,871 51% 1,364
ManuD [_TS] Raider
45,622 51% 1,350
20,495 52% 1,342
Casamancos [P1GS] Perro Maldito
59,607 49% 1,321
adrp0003 [A-L-B] ¡RTX!
20,278 51% 1,320
ACEJRR [BLAK] Blak commander
8,914 50% 1,308
69,197 49% 1,305
RequiemK626 [P1GS] aaaaaa
10,237 49% 1,297
Plkiller [QNN] Mange moi L'obus
9,802 51% 1,295
kovg Kovg
38,963 52% 1,262
FeDDe_23 [_2D2_] 1BOT
21,582 50% 1,261
TheMansDalorian [-NSE-] Probably-A-No-Show!
26,291 50% 1,244
steel_fist59 [-OWLS] steel_fist59
18,209 54% 1,237
Kothuruby1 [G-W-E] Gold
4,481 49% 1,234
SirScrumScrum [AC] Benevolent Dictator
17,019 52% 1,231
panzerkampfwagon9991 aaron-rodgers-key-an
8,665 53% 1,226
EVALDO701 [LOKUS] A shot of glory
23,441 50% 1,224
IceEarthGuard [D_S_F] Icy Path To Victory!
27,381 51% 1,215
dooght [_THC] Dooght
80,594 51% 1,215
Gurdian_2411 [AR_TI] AR_TI
6,761 48% 1,204
Justiceiro79 [GOFD] Lets tie, Lests Draw
52,920 49% 1,201
Mocazef7 [KVERA] 💀KVERA
23,177 47% 1,190
IvanAndres94 [JLA] El señor X
28,839 49% 1,189
chipotlito [LATIN] chipo
73,687 49% 1,182
fortisal [RNGUN] fortis
23,085 51% 1,170
negame [AA-A] T-34
37,952 49% 1,164
Shong_Anglion [A-L-V] Temistocles
41,470 49% 1,161
nippurcamp [WE3D] ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
46,214 50% 1,159
tankitytanktank3 [BTU-A] ttt3
77,032 48% 1,134
Total: 196

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