Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 07, 2021; Accepted Teams: 476 (Total: 486)
Map: Erlenberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: December 07, 2021
Average WN8: 1,317
Total: 476
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
red_eye NoBaD
101,358 47% 512
ares327 [SMA] Otromass
35,014 47% 508
elcordobes [_SL_] elcordobes
24,667 46% 504
Lukzil [RINO-] lukhard
5,936 46% 490
Jonathan_Jou Jonathan_Jou
4,426 45% 487
frylocks [AREA] Oddball
14,623 47% 482
Hellcat_m189 [-A1D] chat de l'enfer
9,719 44% 476
PERIKLES666 [-BX-] candyman
24,295 44% 461
jorgitoaudas [-ADH-] Cachavacha
16,612 45% 461
Cade711 [42TB] BigRed
12,347 45% 433
Sparky551 [LXVI] Sparky
1,883 46% 430
AlephBax [MASK] AlephOne
47,306 45% 424
dean_8 [TAC-D] tac-d
49,809 45% 415
keltic11 [RENB2] iramoe
25,520 45% 403
532 48% 397
AErEo91 [AR_TI] New World
1,438 41% 373
NICOBR123 FAgundes
2,368 44% 359
junkpilebound [APG] dude
26,551 44% 344
yruputin [HOR] TKELE-CHO-G
39,350 44% 307
jamesmartinez_2005 MEGAMATANZA2.7
23,880 45% 297
Ernesto_3721 [_CFE_] ACERO AZUL
34,803 44% 293
ROSIE4120 [42TB] PicklesNcheese
2,890 43% 274
gyro58 challenger
25,720 44% 244
eLcrosseur [JMSQC] le crosseur
17,553 41% 208
Boomergaming [SOFA-] Boomzz
3,730 45% 184
0 0% 0
Total: 476

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