Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: June 10, 2020; Accepted Teams: 1104 (Total: 1146)
Map: Ensk
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: June 10, 2020
Average WN8: 1,275
Total: 1,104
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] THANOS 2020
25,293 56% 2,415
AngryBaboon [N0M0D] Croassant
35,014 56% 2,368
fishygamer717 [RELIC] Ran out of Premium
7,128 57% 2,348
SlayerofMoose Planetoid Megaladon
25,041 56% 2,340
RedBullba [SOYUZ] RedBullBa
36,919 57% 2,335
Bugfire [E-50M] got worms?
53,577 59% 2,330
_Nebz [LOWJO] Gruppe 6
20,367 60% 2,324
20,380 57% 2,317
__AngelOfDeath__ [STAKD] Angel Of Death
50,665 57% 2,316
TouchingPermanently [MAHOU] aaaaaaab
57,415 56% 2,303
bastian_796 [-K9-] cipher796
599 48% 2,298
Rubber_Tooth_WoT [RDDT] rubbbbbbbbbb
12,320 57% 2,282
Jelly_Boom [VILIN] Ay we got some пушки
23,396 57% 2,277
lsland [CLAWS] BetterShowUp
56,926 57% 2,273
66,988 56% 2,270
_verminator_ Likely pin
32,959 58% 2,266
wackyninja Kev_WOC
15,957 57% 2,266
41,145 55% 2,257
8_T_1 [DREAM] eat fish
13,659 59% 2,255
AlejitoCoL [LLA] AlejitoCoL
33,305 57% 2,254
Verdugo [S-A-R] wifi
69,461 57% 2,250
BlackSwan [TRY] dfhdf
43,956 54% 2,249
sti005 [KEEP] KAOZ
4,521 57% 2,249
power_Donky [HAVOK] arta farta
28,369 55% 2,242
Other_ShadowSniper [R-7] PARA QUE UN NOMBRE?
9,664 56% 2,242
Daniel_Alcivar [KEEP] ECU911
43,183 54% 2,232
DaBuzzard [RELIC] buzzard
42,179 56% 2,230
Xintong [-NGA-] -NGA-
27,694 56% 2,222
Ferret10 [PCKLE] Monkey
18,872 55% 2,220
FlandrexCirno [-MOE-] Remilia daisuki!!
19,443 58% 2,219
SahintheFalcon [E-50M] Sahin
48,295 61% 2,206
22,822 55% 2,205
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] CannibalLecture
56,025 55% 2,198
pppffffffff [KEEP] +++++++++++++
42,779 54% 2,193
alipalange [PARS] War1
81,563 57% 2,180
MarianoRojas [_M3_] Brazzers
36,492 56% 2,180
TAKTuKA_PyJIuT [BLRUS] Russian with vodka
331 59% 2,166
themusgrat [FRAUD] DOS 9.1
30,834 57% 2,162
MiC_GoTaViRuS [E-50M] Yeet
56,096 56% 2,143
Akuretaki [MMIMM] akuretaki
57,972 57% 2,143
vu1234 [E-50M] i am loser
94,416 54% 2,106
urabrask [PHASE] jpviqnjevpf
27,835 55% 2,101
General_Pancho [ORDER] MANCOS B
44,915 57% 2,097
gerardozarc [S-A-R] Nahh
11,011 55% 2,095
flamewhisperer [FINES] flame
12,744 56% 2,095
Heywod [GIVUP] heywod
8,064 56% 2,090
Leonidddd [WILDH] Spartannss
10,309 55% 2,089
CaptainVantastic SaltyGrass
24,323 57% 2,077
2,263 55% 2,076
28,272 59% 2,073
Total: 1,104

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