World of Tanks Players Stats

Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles
Total: 77,543
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
FallenKoala [E-50M] 18,141 56% 1,932 56% 1,932 April 20, 2024 @ 6:58 pm
Nappelinis 38,685 55% 1,932 55% 1,932 October 18, 2022 @ 7:09 pm
Thysoidbore89 19,407 53% 1,932 53% 1,932 November 22, 2018 @ 9:25 pm
superatom 20,743 55% 1,932 55% 1,932 May 12, 2018 @ 5:37 pm
farfunkle 14,528 56% 1,932 56% 1,932 October 19, 2023 @ 11:45 pm
GearTech [GT-I] 24,933 55% 1,932 56% 131 June 27, 2024 @ 10:55 pm
mrb1218 [GOONZ] 23,439 53% 1,932 57% 3,055 April 29, 2024 @ 10:37 pm
GLOCK__Chi11in_Like_A_ [VILIN] 51,774 57% 1,932 57% 1,932 August 07, 2022 @ 7:43 am
icegargoylle [MONKS] 43,691 58% 1,932 55% 1,024 January 30, 2024 @ 6:50 pm
HealthCliff_MH 23,260 55% 1,932 55% 1,932 February 09, 2024 @ 1:51 am
Offer1 [RETRD] 17,253 55% 1,932 55% 1,932 December 30, 2023 @ 11:37 pm
ChairInAGasket 21,454 54% 1,932 54% 1,932 May 18, 2017 @ 2:47 pm
Lachox 17,543 53% 1,932 53% 1,932 September 30, 2023 @ 4:46 pm
TheBaronahs 35,976 55% 1,932 56% 1,932 July 02, 2024 @ 9:38 am
XWolf_SYNERGY 13,785 55% 1,932 55% 1,932 March 28, 2024 @ 12:20 pm
adhesivemule 5,961 55% 1,932 50% 1,571 April 14, 2023 @ 3:42 pm
seacucumber [TEACH] 37,217 56% 1,932 59% 1,749 July 02, 2024 @ 12:36 am
Homunculus 32,472 54% 1,932 54% 1,932 January 16, 2022 @ 6:24 pm
Its_Allgood [BITC] 22,885 54% 1,932 53% 659 April 05, 2024 @ 9:00 pm
E__ [MAHOU] 11,699 56% 1,932 60% 2,624 June 27, 2024 @ 11:47 pm
BigAJ 34,522 60% 1,932 60% 1,932 February 27, 2024 @ 8:24 pm
DerMetzger1 39,358 55% 1,931 55% 1,931 May 20, 2018 @ 10:05 pm
leo_dandy [-TRD-] 67,168 53% 1,931 57% 2,703 June 25, 2024 @ 12:26 am
ruben1alpha [SLURF] 34,632 55% 1,931 55% 1,931 May 21, 2024 @ 9:34 am
1rreverence 61,091 55% 1,931 50% 445 July 02, 2024 @ 1:58 am
Billy0_0 31,778 53% 1,931 53% 1,931 April 24, 2023 @ 10:34 pm
Ni_O 41,937 53% 1,931 53% 1,931 October 09, 2018 @ 6:27 pm
Harry_The_Gr8 [FATE] 35,710 54% 1,931 52% 3,179 October 10, 2023 @ 9:57 pm
Petrov26 [O-VER] 29,030 53% 1,931 53% 1,931 June 28, 2024 @ 10:26 pm
nick48 [-GAS] 86,711 52% 1,931 52% 2,068 June 11, 2024 @ 10:33 pm
Wulfrun [IFM] 41,697 56% 1,931 54% 16 June 20, 2024 @ 1:11 am
Yorkshire_Puddin [RIFL] 37,279 54% 1,931 60% 121 May 22, 2024 @ 11:52 pm
LegendaryGeometrist 13,768 56% 1,931 56% 1,931 July 06, 2021 @ 4:17 am
YoonKim 23,559 59% 1,931 59% 1,931 January 01, 2024 @ 1:06 am
Chaos_Faction [REL-2] 19,357 56% 1,931 56% 1,931 June 25, 2024 @ 10:22 pm
Jeil 48,656 53% 1,931 53% 1,931 December 28, 2023 @ 12:21 am
Lazytitanz 42,937 55% 1,931 55% 2,480 November 08, 2023 @ 6:37 am
castor_am 23,402 54% 1,931 54% 1,931 February 18, 2019 @ 6:42 pm
Joe21599 27,811 54% 1,931 54% 1,931 February 10, 2024 @ 4:01 pm
NinjaCommand0 [RELIC] 14,795 55% 1,930 57% 1,536 June 28, 2024 @ 10:19 pm
NatTheTeal__O_OII [MAHOV] 20,932 56% 1,930 56% 1,930 July 09, 2020 @ 2:35 am
VojvodaBabunski [KUGA] 40,487 54% 1,930 54% 1,930 August 28, 2023 @ 5:38 pm
Chapolin_Falso [ROLED] 47,297 53% 1,930 49% 1,648 June 21, 2024 @ 12:54 pm
Alex_Mtl_718 [GROOT] 15,568 52% 1,930 61% 3,107 June 28, 2024 @ 11:35 pm
Joe_jack 18,024 55% 1,930 55% 1,930 January 03, 2024 @ 1:06 am
zerokontrol 9,434 55% 1,930 55% 1,930 July 31, 2017 @ 1:37 pm
Ozeren12 [GMV] 48,086 53% 1,930 55% 2,239 April 18, 2024 @ 10:17 am
Yukinokaze 43,065 55% 1,930 55% 1,930 June 29, 2020 @ 12:38 am
luis2k [KOZAK] 35,923 53% 1,930 55% 326 June 15, 2024 @ 11:19 pm
vonskutty 30,109 57% 1,930 57% 1,930 December 09, 2020 @ 8:37 pm
Total: 77,543

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