World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,740
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Die Deutschen Befreier [GERMN] 1 58% 3,220 137
Sugoyalty [SUGOI] 1 63% 3,210 3,158
Fourth Infantry Division [4_ID] 1 55% 3,201 5,244
Fourth Infantry Division [4_ID] 1 55% 3,201 5,244
Fourth Infantry Division [4_ID] 1 55% 3,201 5,244
Fourth Infantry Division [4_ID] 1 55% 3,201 5,244
New York City [NYC] 2 60% 3,200 2,146
Renamed_Clan1000059571 [N1GLT] 1 63% 3,166 1,593
Kill The Noobs Instantly [KTNI] 1 63% 3,148 26,646
The Storm-Crow Collective [S-CC] 1 59% 3,146 24,403
Massive Esports [MASS] 1 63% 3,136 31,220
ZIRKA [ZIRKA] 1 58% 3,134 1,979
Logitech. Professional gaming devices for professionalss [LGTCH] 5 58% 3,123 14,851
1ST Canadian Armoured Brigade [1CAB] 3 61% 3,093 26,915
MIRA, NO C PRESENTARON [-NCP-] 2 55% 3,091 55,512
Weeabooo [SHINU] 2 61% 3,081 13,436
BOTFORCE [BTFRC] 1 56% 3,076 8,289
Visions_ [EYES] 1 56% 3,074 399
Kitten Army! [MELLY] 1 63% 3,073 3,564
T95E6 [T95E6] 1 62% 3,059 1,899
Super Horrible Immensely Terrible [SHITE] 3 59% 3,047 1,431
Rise [RISE] 6 57% 3,045 171,451
Fly [HAZ4R] 1 58% 3,033 971
XJBD [XJBD] 1 54% 3,032 125
GeeGee [GE_GE] 1 79% 3,019 14
Just Bears [BE4RS] 1 57% 3,002 275
WENDY [WENDY] 1 59% 2,999 15,840
HP Is Really A Crutch.... For Bad Players [HIRAC] 1 59% 2,992 538
REGIMIENTO DE LA MUERTE [RM1] 2 59% 2,986 14,683
SHY GUY'S! [-SHY-] 1 50% 2,985 18
Cheng Guan [CHAI] 7 61% 2,977 157,334
Romantic Bulbasaurs [BULBA] 29 62% 2,976 763,445
2 Armada de Tanks Brasileira [2ATB] 2 74% 2,972 15,350
RDC22461 [RD461] 1 56% 2,970 229
Ace German Armorer of Commander Tuchel [FC-BM] 1 63% 2,966 36,354
Not crakd but STAKD [STAKD] 74 60% 2,964 1,788,851
Ну вы поняли [EBASH] 1 61% 2,959 2,405
VaulT BoY [V-BOY] 1 58% 2,958 67,131
Never fear,HACKD is here!!!!! [HACK1] 25 59% 2,956 617,813
GIVUP [GIVUP] 71 60% 2,956 1,847,257
Live Fast,Die Whenever [CNBT] 3 57% 2,954 36,996
RC56457 [RC457] 1 58% 2,954 17,803
Clan 1000053575 [BENPI] 4 64% 2,954 202,441
Tank hunter [LDJ] 1 55% 2,912 32,786
The Broys [BROYZ] 5 61% 2,900 117,598
Lama's Rhoadents - No Touchy [LIAMA] 1 60% 2,899 3,870
Spicy Immature Gamers Making Arguments [SIGMA] 1 58% 2,895 42,104
THE GIGACHADS [GCHAD] 1 58% 2,889 17,395
LUNA [M00N_] 1 57% 2,880 295
Total: 14,740

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