World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,336
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Hardware [RUS] 5 57% 2,352 138,952
I Identify as an Attack Helicopter [ID_TY] 8 57% 2,349 104,128
League of Young Bois [LYB] 29 58% 2,349 889,030
The Decoy's [DEC0Y] 1 56% 2,348 23,773
Shmangles [SHMGL] 1 56% 2,348 25,176
Pog [POGU] 2 55% 2,347 27,763
Leroy [LEROY] 2 57% 2,345 52,705
Youjonger [YOUJO] 61 57% 2,344 1,460,313
W0RLD DOMINATION [W0RLD] 10 58% 2,343 231,466
PERA SPORTS [PERA] 1 58% 2,341 13,106
EXILED TANKERS UNITS [ETU2] 1 55% 2,341 547
Villain [VILIN] 33 57% 2,340 870,548
Audit The Opposition [AUDIT] 11 54% 2,335 219,406
In Flare We Trust [FLAR3] 3 59% 2,328 34,353
Apes R Us [APESX] 3 55% 2,327 65,301
The Gentlemen's Mustache Society [STASH] 1 57% 2,326 9,375
VanSlaughter [VS_] 1 58% 2,325 23,796
Ehzneeky Znehks [EZ] 1 58% 2,323 13,886
Plebeians- The lower Order. [PLEB-] 2 61% 2,323 36,924
MΩST WINNER [MOWI] 2 59% 2,320 33,289
KongFu Panda [KONFU] 1 58% 2,320 13,957
Control - RTB Central Command [CTRL] 1 55% 2,318 73,115
Chainizi Zhan Lang [ZLANG] 1 58% 2,316 25,330
DarkSanctum [DARS] 1 57% 2,315 22,737
Kamper Wagons [KAMPR] 1 55% 2,314 47,956
YOUJO Retirement Clan [Y0UJ0] 18 57% 2,312 413,367
ZeroTwoBestGirl [-02-] 1 56% 2,309 17,666
Rerollingisnice [RR-] 3 57% 2,308 1,820
A Bucket Consortium [BUKET] 1 55% 2,305 51
7ª División Panzer | Gespensterdivision [7PANZ] 1 45% 2,304 2,272
RIAS [RIAS] 1 57% 2,304 10,621
Onward!! [NWORD] 2 57% 2,300 74,894
Live Fast,Die Whenever [CNBT] 4 53% 2,300 38,250
For The Love And Peace Of The World [LPW] 4 57% 2,299 97,122
GAME-OVER [-GO-] 3 57% 2,299 31,523
March 0n Rising [M0] 9 59% 2,295 227,408
Hammock Hams [HAMOK] 1 57% 2,294 44,202
Token [TOKEN] 1 58% 2,292 33,968
OTTER Veterans [OTT-V] 6 60% 2,288 145,093
Team Special Forces - Goats [SF-G] 1 59% 2,286 10,048
Quantum [__Q__] 2 61% 2,281 5,863
She's A Beaut There Eh Bud [BEAUT] 1 58% 2,280 5,142
Russian peppers [R_P] 33 60% 2,279 337,077
Elite Tanks (ELT) [ELTAN] 2 62% 2,279 4,023
Con cara de cuy esperamos el fin del mundo [CAVY] 16 58% 2,278 445,346
Ottercratic Teutonic Theocrats of the Eternal Reich [OTTER] 26 58% 2,275 702,485
8-Bits - Just Fun! [8BITS] 32 56% 2,275 879,785
No Dumb Pubs [NDP] 10 59% 2,273 163,235
Bad-Reputation [BDRP] 1 56% 2,271 5,928
Total: 14,336

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