World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,658
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Stubborn Old Men [STUB] 1 57% 2,202 63,978
Pro Opfor [OPF0R] 4 56% 2,202 191,018
Without_Rules [W__R] 2 55% 2,199 44,776
Casual Tankers Association [CTA] 2 54% 2,198 137,831
Hit Men [HITMN] 3 55% 2,197 190,298
Heat Shooters [H3AT] 1 56% 2,196 9,233
RaiZ [-RZ-] 1 57% 2,196 39,604
Sugar [SUGAR] 2 58% 2,195 91,495
Latinoamérica [LATAM] 13 52% 2,190 174,728
Renamed Clan 56669 [BAUCE] 1 60% 2,188 2,555
Knights of the Shadows [K-S] 2 55% 2,187 106,541
FLUID [FLUID] 1 51% 2,187 2,619
Mythos [MYTH_] 3 59% 2,183 43,056
TEEF [TEEF] 7 55% 2,181 112,304
DOJO [DOJO] 3 56% 2,181 2,098
Pixel Shot ! [3PX] 5 63% 2,179 19,552
We're Just Chillin' Yo [CHLLN] 9 57% 2,178 231,799
Witcher [WTCHR] 1 60% 2,176 828
Fin del Juego / End Game [NG4ME] 4 57% 2,174 58,576
Unicum Police [UP] 2 57% 2,173 47,451
Рома Тащит. Плечём к плечу идем к победе. [POTA_] 1 80% 2,173 31,074
Throwing Hard [THR0W] 9 55% 2,172 228,661
Dragon Tank Commanders [DERGS] 1 58% 2,172 7,999
Team_One [TEAM1] 1 55% 2,171 53,607
Goldman Tracks [AUTRK] 6 59% 2,168 176,972
In Memory of BRAAAAP [D-O-S] 1 56% 2,168 43
Roosters [REWS] 1 57% 2,166 20,752
Game Winners [WINR] 1 59% 2,166 25,782
>Vidya Gaems [NTR] 13 59% 2,165 250,877
Apathy [SHRUG] 7 57% 2,165 159,582
Ars Sonitu Bombardis [ARS] 1 62% 2,165 29,338
Island Armour [ISLA] 3 53% 2,164 104,215
Ghetto Astronauts Pounding Elephants [GAPE] 1 57% 2,164 35,407
Baboon Empire [BABOO] 4 56% 2,162 67,160
It Can't Be LoveFist [LVFST] 1 56% 2,161 29,658
Live Strong, Be Strong, Work Strong, Team Strong [STRNG] 9 55% 2,160 191,358
MERON [MERON] 2 55% 2,160 22,638
All Shermans, all the time and you can count on it! [EASY8] 1 61% 2,159 31,019
Yak [YAK] 4 58% 2,158 131,771
Heck Yeah! [_HY_] 1 54% 2,157 18,612
Don't Tread 0n Me [DT0M] 1 56% 2,157 11,198
Gamestop to the Moon [GTTM] 5 58% 2,156 110,078
Aficionado & Friends Livestream! [AFAF] 1 57% 2,156 32,013
Get--Good [G--G] 7 56% 2,154 325,565
SuperNova's Community Clan [N0VA_] 11 58% 2,154 304,491
no expectations [NXS] 1 55% 2,153 9,578
Retigga Nation. Destructive Specialization. Chaotic Experimentation. [RTIGA] 1 51% 2,153 16,874
POPKORN [POPN] 8 57% 2,152 94,140
QIQI [QIQI] 4 58% 2,150 105,999
Total: 14,658

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