Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 06, 2020; Accepted Teams: 637 (Total: 647)
Map: Redshire
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 06, 2020
Average WN8: 1,256
Total: 637
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
charlemaign [CH4] Climate Hero's
31,526 47% 522
mrsireass [REBEL] Tier 4
88,653 46% 518
HurricaneRory [_1ST_] StormBringer
80,741 45% 517
Leamar [LATIN] Dorrego
35,461 46% 513
red_eye NoBaD
94,327 47% 510
10,967 46% 499
Tommyknocker1 [_1ST_] ZEPHYR
9,580 44% 497
Tatou89 13308
2,123 45% 490
Itz_Gunter [CAZGN] Déjameganarxd
6,384 46% 487
26,839 45% 476
Stagereverend Stagereverend
19,701 46% 469
jorjaiis [E-21] los jorjines
7,769 47% 464
piratte [QC-ML] 333333
13,023 46% 462
ironstopper1 [R_A_T] PANZER FUKER
17,845 45% 454
mmislam2 [-GTF-] _XOR_
15,647 45% 448
wild_wabbit69 wize_guys
16,896 44% 440
ZekeZero111 [R_A_T] zekes army
28,116 45% 426
Hirovisk_Do_Pc [-TDT-] AMXTEAM
700 38% 426
FerAsc1928 [G_EX] FerNan
10,199 45% 423
Araneam [MOT] Aranha
27,921 46% 421
ares327 otromass
29,064 46% 410
AntonioAndolini [69CBR] 69th Cowboy Regiment
60,352 45% 400
59,124 47% 396
Gelorios A.C.A.B
1,538 47% 392
20,275 43% 388
Ragnar_Nothbrok [GOFD] ioio
53,685 43% 372
toesave [DIXIE] willafk
29,099 46% 371
Rook_Bartly [-IGC-] Ori Girl's School
930 44% 336
jdmic [ZSF] jdmic
26,641 44% 334
she_dragon [UTRIP] dragons
42,222 45% 319
junkpilebound [APG] dude
22,940 44% 311
piedra08 [LUR] black panter
13,554 45% 311
gyro58 challenger
25,173 45% 244
bratattacker [UTRIP] brattattacker
3,173 44% 241
sairola chiro
747 46% 218
AndLeeSi dreams
1,325 42% 211
SilenceIreportYou silent
0 0% 0
Total: 637

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