Tournament - 1v1: Challenger Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: June 14, 2020; Accepted Teams: 982 (Total: 1014)
Map: Lakeville
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: June 14, 2020
Average WN8: 1,369
Total: 982
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
HERO_828 [-LNF-] hero
7,228 49% 919
wagnon2 [XFOGX] KillMeSlowly
15,426 48% 916
69,822 49% 915
DarthVaderPanzer [V-GTA] Sensei of Tomatoes
13,925 47% 915
bwestbr [-VETS] Vets
60,772 48% 914
jeantues [QC-ML] ..kill..
49,935 48% 914
rolexoctopus [G_EX] RoxelMan
18,616 48% 913
dilsinho2 [_TS] que te f..da
41,197 47% 909
Reiden22Alcon [-TLU-] Reiden22
9,156 48% 908
Cuban_Assasin084 [ALFA1] ALFAbeto
16,259 48% 903
kaeltazz [RAIB] $-R A I B-$
17,132 48% 900
jhontorno1983 [CB-EL] MATA MATA
25,937 48% 900
SteelThunder_FoxTwo [ANAC1] Karka Chumbo
6,450 48% 898
Pitbull926 [JMSQC] Shitbag Squad
6,668 46% 895
Ras007 [ROLLS] Ras007
51,479 47% 894
38,245 48% 894
iulica009 [RO] liv14
73,059 48% 893
Nonozaki [O-66] Nonos
65,496 49% 892
freevfx [TAC-D] iyouxin
6,003 47% 890
gatito_meloni [-OFF-] Gatt
6,403 49% 888
PumpEm_Full_Of_Lead [FISH-] Pumped
27,255 49% 887
Jhosep2478 [DIVAS] SAWT
47,611 48% 886
guille01 [DIVAS] manco
66,821 48% 885
JackSparrow97 [RO-TD] Spear
10,589 47% 885
cava1960 [PQP] pohapqp
125,239 46% 883
TCrazyHero Crazy
11,060 49% 883
Finnivus [ICY] SpagootiWiteDeMitbol
20,317 48% 883
Renato1280 [-OFF-] Renato1280
10,492 48% 882
salmita [WILDH] Manquestria As
31,575 48% 878
socom0998 [D_S_F] Dark Bunny
56,008 48% 877
voicumarius [RO-TD] Romania
55,651 48% 876
VidaLokaGamer_1 JucaBala123_invader
7,036 49% 875
matthew9tws [PYRMD] PYRMD Matt
59,917 49% 874
thebret931 [_SL_] El Bret papá
7,123 49% 874
odoylerools [HARMX] asdfasdfas
20,675 48% 873
juniornjr halfguard
21,544 47% 873
jgpower707 [DAP] jpower
8,053 47% 870
27,375 48% 867
Cirusmaximus [UNATO] Marvellous
64,269 48% 867
Wireshark612 [_CV_] xibiusemfreio
11,922 48% 865
_FiTiTO_ [EDLM] fitito´s
10,362 46% 862
hibra [BRCMD] Number1
14,656 48% 861
20,884 47% 861
boughtandsold askwot
122,030 50% 860
der_morder1 [P-A] vampire1370
5,173 48% 859
PewGHOST [_ONU_] ONU brazil
23,421 48% 858
Ricarstrogen1 [G0LDN] lcdtm
50,154 48% 856
bro1332 [QC-ML] BroTeam
17,467 48% 848
Garvinator70 [IXGD] Garvinator70
32,263 47% 848
RompePony [-B-M-] ma ma la
19,834 49% 848
Total: 982

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