Tournament - Platournament 3.02.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 02, 2017; Accepted Teams: 335 (Total: 443)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 02, 2017
Average WN8: 1,043
Total: 1,267
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
PapaDerp [XTREM] QuieroORO
3,208 61% 4,320
_DixDixon [XTREM] QuieroORO
2,913 57% 4,168
Commander_Jay [FCF] Cojofojo
26,836 61% 2,943
thatzCLASSIFIED [GROOT] Salty is a NOOB!
24,297 59% 2,910
Scorpiany [TINDR] 7FPS's
27,446 59% 2,836
aperson2 [HACKD] The Zerg
26,053 57% 2,765
ItzBlitz [VILIN] M-T-L
35,350 64% 2,754
soheil_persianboy [VILIN] Bright Masters
26,080 60% 2,614
23,379 64% 2,580
Bauhauskiller1 [BAMBI] Valar morghulis!
39,120 58% 2,574
24,384 57% 2,554
C4oZ [G-E-L] 9.30/11.30 Jueves
33,755 57% 2,496
SpongeBob1994 [PARS] Bright Masters
28,505 59% 2,481
DarthWong [UP] Unicum Police
21,190 59% 2,411
30,609 54% 2,392
Russian_Stattist [FIERY] БЕРКУТ
8,198 54% 2,387
enjineer [HACKD] The Zerg
39,597 57% 2,379
Hauptmannalex [HHL] Monsters...Inc…
23,138 58% 2,378
falloutmax [DDONG] dong
17,621 57% 2,364
matitiger14II [CDP] A.L. FAN
7,977 66% 2,345
mrart [VOLGA] Volga
6,645 56% 2,322
Starick [CTO] _TNT_
32,478 55% 2,321
35,058 56% 2,317
Fox_of_Shadows Porongon
10,138 62% 2,290
Godwookie [FADES] ~LOVE~
19,704 54% 2,287
Slaughter_For_Daddy [YOUJO] _Cyka Blyat Rush B
2,426 58% 2,283
48,054 58% 2,278
vengadordelosmuertos [_B-Z_] 9.30/11.30 Jueves
24,317 57% 2,242
LittlexxxxPigxxxx BLUEBERRIES
32,488 60% 2,224
Shidare_Hotaru [YOUJO] The Rebirth of Shojo
21,037 54% 2,203
therenner 3v3v
26,440 56% 2,199
Dany2j [TUF] Spoon !
51,845 55% 2,197
Apocalipsys [EIXO2] 4Tournament
31,709 57% 2,181
AnglerfishMiho [80PRF] Teme Name
10,893 55% 2,152
TheFearInside [W0RLD] After-D
16,952 55% 2,152
bussplana [UFTS] raki2
32,888 55% 2,144
39,699 55% 2,144
CheekiBreeki_ [YOUJO] Monsters...Inc…
34,643 55% 2,128
ShadowFire22 [CHLLN] CHLLN
42,559 57% 2,119
Dincus [YOUJO] _Cyka Blyat Rush B
28,525 58% 2,118
titosp [-404-] mariconinto<3
8,371 55% 2,117
HellFish_uy [_UY_] Latin THE BEST!
23,975 57% 2,114
y00da [ABEL] CHLLN
22,386 56% 2,103
_bahamutzero_ [WKEY] ECATOMBE PIRICA
24,130 58% 2,099
Scott_Sterling [DDONG] dong
16,466 53% 2,098
PvtLUCAS [DICE] vamos la
12,858 56% 2,087
iMeeeGo [HAVOK] raki2
9,483 54% 2,084
Leonita More Kill
97 53% 2,082
DaltonRules [QNN] QNN-WT*-ROY
25,995 55% 2,077
Atlas_Jr [-Q-] Little Rascals
4,489 59% 2,076
Total: 1,267

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