Tournament - 2v2 Tier VIII 8PM CDT - N°4

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 18, 2024; Accepted Teams: 17 (Total: 28)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 18, 2024
Average WN8: 1,525
Total: 34
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
mateuscuellus [4-K] 0007
26,776 53% 3,112
RedBullba [OXYGN] Alpha Group
68,827 58% 3,055
Jim_Halpert_ [-BAN-] La Cura
18,021 66% 3,040
Admiralbone [RELIC] team name
30,450 56% 2,952
Andres2123dk [X-7] Grupo Escorpion
15,252 57% 2,608
SNK_Armin [X-7] Grupo Escorpion
12,655 57% 2,383
jackal126 [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
53,517 55% 2,289
milqui [-BAN-] La Cura
52,312 56% 2,121
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
76,305 54% 1,950
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] Alpha Group
91,816 57% 1,909
Chuckling_Peach6 [CLASX] BanArty
6,693 53% 1,879
Sauronosaurus78 [GRAIL] The PREDATORS
14,185 52% 1,862
freedom799 BanArty
8,418 53% 1,800
Sacredstrike [VILIN] wwwwwwww
12,029 53% 1,757
JordanOnTarget [REBRN] Game Changers
5,080 53% 1,736
TankCaptain_1 [REL-A] Doggybois
34,837 54% 1,701
yeisonstiven [_MAU_] 0007
41,399 50% 1,552
Prideofwar [BLIST] wwwwwwww
32,364 51% 1,533
tomas050_destroyer [PL_B] LOS MATA JUDIOS
3,597 50% 1,429
JesusCommitsTaxFraud [MVP] BrigadaSS
20,599 50% 1,362
Steelson11 Doggybois
15,378 51% 1,313
iShark_ [8BITS] tomato
15,984 49% 1,297
zlpedrinhonstg [IA-BR] PEDRO IA-BR
20,378 50% 1,215
sketch7 [ROLLS] Waboosh
33,967 50% 1,168
zoeballz [REBRN] Game Changers
27,281 49% 1,102
thick_nick [GRAIL] The PREDATORS
29,362 48% 1,059
Rez_Tank [GNSN] myself
23,196 49% 1,019
dariofoser LOS MATA JUDIOS
9,307 48% 1,005
7,972 45% 958
jailsonkill_1 [8BITS] tomato
22,870 47% 946
AndrewGunner [GTO] myself
15,104 49% 943
mazda2284 [AUDIO] Waboosh
53,207 48% 902
Efbehar [LATIN] BrigadaSS
76,999 47% 650
aman908 [-DTC-] team name
4,999 45% 494
Total: 34

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