Tournament - 1v1: Challenger Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 22, 2023; Accepted Teams: 95 (Total: 97)
Map: Sand River
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 22, 2023
Average WN8: 1,578
Total: 95
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
_Deft Skadoosh!
27,614 65% 4,358
Chocolatebar_ [FAST] Chocolate
17,050 62% 3,943
7,612 53% 3,606
pspps [OFM-] Supremacy
4,917 60% 3,567
_El_Pibe_Cantina_ [L4ST] TaquitosAlPastorOP
6,384 57% 3,525
XxT0BAR_4OWT tobar
7,539 54% 3,153
El_Panchis [P1GS] 7wuw7
15,495 59% 3,058
__VODKA [-HERO] vodka
15,217 55% 2,982
63,585 58% 2,961
mateuscuellus [_M3_] volga boatmen
22,881 53% 2,873
Jetrecto [LOAD] Monjour
41,221 56% 2,587
ShireiiKaN [CZ4R] South King's Gaming
67,159 58% 2,587
FamousMonkey [FAST] MONKE
20,948 58% 2,584
DantKing [CZ4R] SEXO?
4,399 55% 2,409
2ndTanks_ okay
157,962 56% 2,322
sanyi021 [HUNK] Asanyy
43,851 55% 2,289
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] PinkOkami
69,843 56% 2,267
Shadow_Force [CRAKD] GINGER
40,453 53% 2,248
LordBobsimus [WACKD] Bob and Friends
8,318 54% 2,235
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Apex Predator
57,714 58% 2,217
TheLeopardGames2 Thing
25,305 56% 2,101
thekillertitan [GO4T] Cheddar_Biscuits
73,956 54% 2,081
MisterMagnificence [OPIC] NewFormatSucksBad
7,266 55% 2,063
cTpeJlyaTb_c_To4HocTb [C-I-S] .......
47,968 52% 2,045
JohnAkaMrP JohnAkaMrp team
33,961 56% 1,987
_AGRIPP4___ [KONOW] No informations
34,275 53% 1,958
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] War Tiger
89,041 57% 1,934
Evil_Anaesthetist [RDDT] evev
32,352 54% 1,925
DestroiGumms [COTER] DestroiGumms
10,838 50% 1,925
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] snowflaker
72,898 53% 1,893
20,014 53% 1,824
joaocunha [RAIZ] My BILAUM
24,342 52% 1,816
_Dannx_ [LATIN] SA 8000PR
67,355 52% 1,810
Byracki i am bad
41,583 54% 1,810
SupaSuku [H_F] Sukusuku
36,461 53% 1,775
JeanP4ul Renekton
22,264 51% 1,750
Erick_Fernando_Leon [B--L] loco
11,336 53% 1,728
Skalyz_1993 [GOONZ] LoneWolf
10,404 51% 1,692
amerikos [MAZUT] sdfgsd5e4
35,275 54% 1,683
duya [-HERO] SSSS
204,914 51% 1,606
eric_roberts [-54-] oscar
46,656 51% 1,600
eraser1962 [NEWBI] Eraser
38,155 53% 1,584
SHo7ING_STARS [X-7] gmgfm
58,135 52% 1,523
Gabriel_Gonnet [IPCL] Negronnet
31,290 48% 1,508
uri_100 [WISE] El manco
15,822 50% 1,494
Tinchoxxx [_BST_] dejameganarortiba
78,368 51% 1,437
machine_killer_95 [ARDEN] arden
10,924 49% 1,430
ravanelles dasdasd
1,213 51% 1,412
_Camila_ [TAIYO] Camila
69,278 51% 1,406
TankbusterXD [P1S] Fedaykin
21,183 50% 1,403
Total: 95

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