Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: July 24, 2023; Accepted Teams: 39 (Total: 51)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: July 24, 2023
Average WN8: 1,807
Total: 78
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
phil_____ [GIVUP] d1ckhead central
1,007 68% 5,222
8,303 59% 3,913
Isp3ctate [PUNSR] d1ckhead central
8,483 62% 3,902
Lichta__ [SIMP] Sparta
16,186 63% 3,811
Bigg_smoke [RELIC] Smokeraser
6,235 58% 3,227
pspps [KOZAK] KEKC
4,089 60% 3,219
_N0pal_Chido_ [IMSS] Tributo al MoCHO
1,594 64% 3,179
ProminenceBurn [L4ST] Arriba el mayo
1,515 57% 3,039
mateuscuellus [B34RS] volga boatmen
21,754 52% 2,763
_Ur4anus_ [IMSS] Tributo al MoCHO
6,943 60% 2,682
richsniper [CRAKD] Aurum
43,471 61% 2,638
SexyFlamer_ [NG4ME] TIGER
1,758 61% 2,601
BrowerCH [-PHD-] Knife in Skull
24,793 55% 2,547
Crisis36 [SUAN] SUAN
58,705 56% 2,539
GettinNeckRN [-T2H-] gettinrodern
1,308 53% 2,453
GettinRodeRN [-T2H-] gettinrodern
1,515 51% 2,337
HappybirdIoI [NG4ME] TIGER
43,863 54% 2,307
AverageMonkeyEnthusiast [SUAN] SUAN
26,226 57% 2,305
WhoNeedsMoney [QCR] ShockTroopers
2,002 59% 2,286
jiaduobaoganwanglaoji [NEWBI] Alpha Group
38,267 56% 2,264
sapo1122 [MVP] Manabu
47,082 55% 2,256
TKingTiger [NEWBI] DezNutsAfterDark
28,123 54% 2,245
Order66_1 PP Up
13,783 56% 2,189
_Caveman__ [NEWBI] Alien team
107,053 54% 2,135
ArgentumShells [SIGH] Aurum
59,368 57% 2,124
TRON_vix [NEWBI] DezNutsAfterDark
39,310 58% 2,085
48,376 57% 2,068
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
47,176 54% 2,062
LeoMullins [P1GS] Los Negros
37,219 53% 2,001
enya1ius [FATE] SMML PEEPee
41,162 54% 1,998
AsTiger117 [OFM-] Phineas y Ferb
29,313 55% 1,982
Sparky5000 [SIMP] Sparta
22,690 57% 1,973
46Days [_SL_] 0007
19,174 52% 1,971
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] Alpha Group
88,514 57% 1,933
pochemuchkaa [-T2H-] SHADOWFAX
8,294 51% 1,912
_W4CH1_ [B34RS] A PEDAZOS!!!
32,509 53% 1,892
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
72,446 53% 1,877
Duckz0nQuack [GRAIL] SMML PEEPee
13,734 56% 1,867
___G0D___ [-PHD-] Knife in Skull
15,757 54% 1,851
El_Ottomano [_MIB_] Alien team
15,692 52% 1,691
Solo_Andy [_2D2_] Los Negros
35,236 52% 1,658
17,094 54% 1,610
sanji_iron [MVP] Manabu
20,473 55% 1,599
jr_black_baron07 [WPP] The_Barons
4,788 50% 1,583
eraser1962 [NEWBI] Smokeraser
38,036 53% 1,583
Charles_Gabriel_sniper [KONOW] loup
15,684 49% 1,581
Pressdforsex Arriba el mayo
3,050 52% 1,560
yeisonstiven [DOREK] 0007
38,345 50% 1,534
__Tanks_Sniper__ [IN-WO] QuePasaLarva
24,283 51% 1,477
MICHAEL_RL_1 [WISE] Alexander Pick
15,317 47% 1,470
Total: 78

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