Tournament - 5v5: Challenger Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 18, 2022; Accepted Teams: 14 (Total: 28)
Map: Karelia
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: December 18, 2022
Average WN8: 1,563
Total: 70
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
alphanascimento [8BITS] Knife in Skull
3,014 62% 3,130
VIE_HuGo The Potato Team
4,743 59% 3,010
RedBullba [-VOID] 2000 RECENT WN8 MIN
58,998 57% 2,834
LEP_ASI [FINES] gee gee
10,497 63% 2,719
Hjkaus [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
15,583 60% 2,624
eepmaster69 [ISDED] yanyuliners
3,249 55% 2,589
_Fevs_ [ISDED] yanyuliners
32,149 57% 2,579
BrowerCH [N0M0D] Knife in Skull
24,288 55% 2,528
X_ABE [OXIDE] The Potato Team
16,369 57% 2,522
_Marcel___ [CZ4R] Dweam Ice Cweam
24,494 56% 2,444
darrhub [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
21,846 58% 2,382
WastedBananaa [OXIDE] The Potato Team
21,018 55% 2,329
Incongnito [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
22,522 57% 2,322
Navid_ [2M8TO] gee gee
3,826 54% 2,313
Bigg_smoke [RELIC] gee gee
3,580 57% 2,287
Ph_Nguy_n [OXIDE] The Potato Team
5,739 51% 2,241
8_T_1 [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
19,708 60% 2,153
TKingTiger [SQUAL] The cooch punchers
26,810 54% 2,124
kainter [-VOID] gee gee
16,719 54% 2,124
speedrunner346 [4HIM] 2000 RECENT WN8 MIN
18,001 55% 2,115
Charan_Kanna [FINES] The cooch punchers
15,394 53% 2,093
TRON_vix [SAB3R] The cooch punchers
38,154 57% 2,054
Destemido [RAIZ] Knife in Skull
51,396 54% 2,045
Allf [-LNF-] Okay
48,094 56% 1,965
Wizard123456 [OXIDE] The Potato Team
11,115 54% 1,945
jackal126 [SQUAL] The cooch punchers
43,870 54% 1,934
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] The cooch punchers
85,071 57% 1,924
theloser111 Knife in Skull
30,291 53% 1,815
___G0D___ [N0M0D] Knife in Skull
15,090 53% 1,782
8,355 49% 1,728
jonastrolde [TAC-E] zigggggggg
2,065 47% 1,670
Escuabot_ALV [A-L-V] Gille Buelve
23,990 51% 1,644
eraser1962 [HAVOK] gee gee
36,918 53% 1,595
Dislaik_fighter [A-L-V] Gille Buelve
32,424 52% 1,568
12,771 52% 1,567
death_iron_2014 [ISDED] yanyuliners
15,266 52% 1,544
spartan4963 [-LNF-] Okay
26,154 51% 1,516
seneca4 [HIWAY] HTAK
31,850 53% 1,489
SethGustav [-TRD-] Gille Buelve
50,615 52% 1,477
_AkaiTamashi_ [A-L-V] Gille Buelve
22,752 52% 1,322
MrDMac [A-L-V] Gille Buelve
7,439 51% 1,269
taktogostarf [-LNF-] Okay
25,423 52% 1,265
Bamjett [HIWAY] HTAK
67,591 50% 1,214
Ace67_1 [-LNF-] Okay
26,335 51% 1,202
crazetankiller [-LNF-] Okay
21,172 50% 1,185
Reifer01 [HIWAY] HTAK
43,109 52% 1,145
67,700 50% 1,134
tanker35745 [PANIC] 2000 RECENT WN8 MIN
2,933 54% 1,102
todouz [-BOTS] 2000 RECENT WN8 MIN
13,479 48% 1,062
FishinGordy [TAC-E] zigggggggg
63,810 49% 1,058
Total: 70

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