Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 10, 2022; Accepted Teams: 417 (Total: 426)
Map: Malinovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 10, 2022
Average WN8: 1,327
Total: 417
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
WARchess [ALCO] wildchess
35 63% 7,129
Mathaian [DIOS] Churro
893 66% 5,297
56 55% 5,085
Anemonenemy [FNWG] Muppet Cruncher
305 70% 4,897
Dukki [N0M0D] agaragã
11,180 63% 4,553
BENGARO_Krmelec [CZ4R] Osss
1,125 65% 4,439
IZZY_AKA_Wot_Legend Izzyboi
1,199 62% 3,868
Water_W_Lemon Vega
2,729 64% 3,857
Someone_Who_Hates_You [TOD4Y] One For The Team
13,916 65% 3,718
Griffon456 [HACK1] HR_Puff'N_Stuff
4,741 60% 3,656
R1_KO_S3NSEI [TOD4Y] ‮‮‮‮
1,946 65% 3,529
6,394 64% 3,320
ApokalypsePanzer [THUGZ] Apoka
19,026 62% 3,047
KekoJoness [NG4ME] 25% RNG
32,271 59% 2,995
_Wolftron [BOWSR] Excelleon
7,134 60% 2,963
TastyPastry [GIVUP] sdfgf
35,157 59% 2,947
SmirnoffConProteina [-SISK] se pica padre
4,107 59% 2,861
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
18,599 58% 2,804
Ramon_105 [RAIZ] _105
13,681 59% 2,783
Empathetion [FISH-] 
6,087 54% 2,616
716 56% 2,579
iBear_U [HECKD] Bear County
1,839 58% 2,569
107 54% 2,528
Griffon455 Fart_Gobbler
5,942 57% 2,508
santiagoxD65 [-TRD-] Yippee Ki Yay
5,057 56% 2,504
Mozart_Moises [RC2BR] RCBBR / RC2BR
1,051 53% 2,477
thunpro [TOD4Y] hellfish
5,240 55% 2,475
Blitz_Guru [L-B-T] GENTS
340 45% 2,370
_Alpha___ [TEACH] fasdf
53,649 53% 2,356
The_Bayer The Punisher
1,643 56% 2,354
DragonKnight61 [TRY] Noneja
1,819 58% 2,353
1,236 57% 2,346
Ethan7511 [ROLED] HARMZ
27,832 57% 2,342
Yukon_guy [COLD1] Yukon
8,136 61% 2,340
Griffon458 Hu_Flung_Pooh
2,031 55% 2,313
Panda_Kung_Fu [TOD4Y] Danke
35,687 55% 2,311
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Perigrine Falcor
63,210 55% 2,271
Aquifilia [FINES] Aqua
31,963 52% 2,265
__WarChild__ [OPIC] BourbonBreath
47,544 58% 2,226
Blind7 The Blind
26,774 56% 2,211
Caveman1224 [NUFFS] T-V-S
103,197 54% 2,156
Brohammer [PIXL-] hehxdd
38,078 55% 2,155
Lomdermas [NG4ME] ppppp
55,496 55% 2,136
elsinnombre2019 [RBCC] Noob
11,275 55% 2,111
boy_1der [OTTER] aaaaa
23,274 55% 2,102
Panda_PZE [-HERO] 6iX9ine
17,635 53% 2,075
blitzer51 AFK Noob
25,343 55% 2,069
ducanh_507 [OPIC] FattyMcHippo
41,394 56% 2,068
__Matt___ [CELTA] 1995
32,821 53% 2,038
33,793 57% 2,032
Total: 417

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