Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 06, 2021; Accepted Teams: 136 (Total: 187)
Map: Ruinberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 06, 2021
Average WN8: 1,329
Total: 273
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
WinneR_TheShTryhard [CZ4R] BENGARO
43 60% 6,020
MIKHMI8 Argument
513 57% 4,797
Hulldown_Warrior [HACK1] SargentFrosty
2,362 65% 4,279
87 62% 4,211
ZafkielSama [GRL] ___:)
7,657 59% 4,189
Bamf_Kyb0 [LOAD] wwwww
553 62% 4,171
BENGARO_HolyToxxx [CZ4R] winner da cock bot
103 61% 4,156
VERWIJDEREN__ [CRAKD] winner da cock bot
103 67% 3,750
Lasky_ [OTTER] _7w7_
3,894 61% 3,651
_Tomate__ [XTREM] I7 7I
5,156 56% 3,481
italien5804 [BBI] body
25,183 57% 3,320
Jim_Halpert_ DinoSauron
9,909 66% 3,318
Lichta__ [SIMP] Meme Team
7,039 63% 3,314
Niko_ChaN_ [L4ST] _0w0
17,765 60% 3,243
R1_KO_INSANE [X-7] ‮‮‮‮
902 67% 3,125
Jerry_Gringo [R_P_M] Carry
7,586 54% 2,891
Ramon_105 [3-FPS] ☄️☄️
12,833 59% 2,765
_Wolftron Excelleon
6,111 60% 2,717
8,871 58% 2,715
xXnani26_chanXx [K-Z] EAGLE
4,728 56% 2,704
swiss1809 [KUFU] _TVS_
38,874 58% 2,693
Empathetion [CURSD] HeavyBreathing
4,513 54% 2,646
MarcoutArcani Allways Cheats
23,554 57% 2,611
Jhumelz Excelleon
5,680 60% 2,501
Steiner_ [PZB] Team Name
83,923 60% 2,486
Tanabraxas [TINTO] K I L L E R S
12,956 57% 2,466
Keith7 [GHOSD] wwwww
5,879 56% 2,330
BlackSwan [RDDT] garbagemen
53,749 55% 2,321
Zargeras_VI [-TRD-] if >55% write me
14,736 57% 2,286
Pofeteo [X-7] Lolis are illegal
41,491 58% 2,231
h33t [SQTCH] pz iii
28,626 61% 2,207
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Alpha Group
45,618 58% 2,180
TomasDemichele_on_bush [S-A-R] SargentFrosty
11,946 56% 2,145
TheCaptainNapalm [NAPLM] XxLolzKingxX
12,190 56% 2,144
stingsss [NUFFS] _TVS_
101,286 54% 2,129
iczyje [CZ4R] pz iii
23,652 57% 2,118
forgivensmoke [PLAN] zwei Kräfte
28,734 53% 2,091
Other_Shadow [A-L-V] 1%HABILIDAD99%RNG
3,291 57% 2,052
Texas2step76107 [BG113] Stagereverend
9,551 47% 2,043
Aldgieris [P2W] Pisilocibina
8,203 49% 2,018
Sidmar21 if >55% write me
4,828 58% 2,018
Bo0omZo0om [OPIC] PARS
35,848 54% 2,010
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
77,211 57% 1,997
Nekkosaurusplay [A-L-V] 1%HABILIDAD99%RNG
2,811 54% 1,997
Coelho_Zueira [OURO-] Asriel
30,438 53% 1,971
Henrysabe [A-L-V] Los come palomas
40,716 53% 1,959
TheDepauperate ArmyOfOne(plus one)
12,127 54% 1,946
Lady_killerNZ [_CREW] game_sleep_repeat
4,513 46% 1,907
19,106 55% 1,865
froylan_baneo [A-L-V] Los come palomas
23,732 53% 1,832
Total: 273

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