Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 05, 2021; Accepted Teams: 588 (Total: 602)
Map: Malinovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: May 05, 2021
Average WN8: 1,293
Total: 588
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
DarkBeastGodlike______o7 [8BITS] EU_VOU_TE_FARMAR_o7
3,055 61% 4,643
2,970 68% 4,442
WildBill_onHuckleberry [CZ4R] Pinselköppe
59 71% 4,244
6,712 64% 3,991
RaiseOnce [PHASE] ‮‮‮‮
11,602 65% 3,919
Buy_Hands [DIOS] xxxxxx
2,500 61% 3,628
swisstankmaster [HACKD] Swiss Tankers
10,326 60% 3,528
Press_ALT_F4_For_Win [8BITS] Press_ALT_F4
7,248 63% 3,450
_RameaViejas_Jhons_ [S-A-R] ramea
16,542 61% 3,390
Suh_Mantics [CRAKD] What is the meaning?
15,862 62% 3,357
7,584 58% 3,334
Fuderateotalo1 Arromba Emerson
15 67% 3,223
BlondePanzer [_E_] Pine Tree Riot
19,754 71% 3,217
Thaxllssillyia Le prix du gros
1,698 61% 3,193
SUIClDE [4ORCE] Chromie
23,406 63% 3,117
kaiky_01 [FINES] Tico Meria
3,644 57% 3,042
1,377 55% 3,019
Dotar_Soyat Tars Tarkas
12,038 59% 3,008
5,836 63% 2,971
TastyPastry [GIVUP] asdfads
34,587 59% 2,951
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] Myp_
13,384 60% 2,887
_Danny__ [PIXL-] Danny
7,113 54% 2,805
DaShagger [SQUAL] Shagger
6,651 61% 2,778
riseglory [LOAD] nomnomnom
29,604 58% 2,748
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
15,963 58% 2,693
BlueFlyDigger [NEWBI] digga
15,113 60% 2,685
_WhiSeRack_ [YOUJO] whodawho
27,002 60% 2,675
Demonic671 [-G-] GOUDA
27,687 58% 2,564
Oosa [RELIC] no u
33,639 58% 2,534
10,322 58% 2,532
ummm_judo Rocks
1,396 57% 2,477
Tank_Jackin [XILES] GitGoldOrDieTrying
49,973 57% 2,462
Sentrie [TEACH] Sentrie
21,230 57% 2,453
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] The Last Tank Bender
27,132 57% 2,431
WindGhost97 [L4ST] Kia Ora
41,489 55% 2,423
_Corpse [X-7] Korps
51,468 56% 2,409
1Trampozo [FBL] En la Oruga no...
18,163 57% 2,366
The_Panzer_End [T_END] TEAM THE_END
626 62% 2,353
_bahamutzero_ [NG4ME] WASAWASA
50,051 59% 2,349
12,076 56% 2,343
shaneholl [RELIC] Pray for RNG
24,583 58% 2,311
cloudwalkr [-G-] NaCl
57,782 60% 2,291
BlackSwan [RDDT] ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮
51,516 55% 2,281
WruceBayne [KUFU] Gotham's Okayest
10,439 57% 2,276
Zargeras_VI Zargeras
14,373 57% 2,260
monchito [-BY-] Mancus_team
54,241 57% 2,253
WestCoastMojo [AC] )()(
10,913 55% 2,250
Calltowar032 [DSFOX] TimeToPlay
3,708 48% 2,225
GeneraL_MAKENZY_07 [NG4ME] santana_
4,055 53% 2,225
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Gatman
60,279 55% 2,191
Total: 588

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