Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 20, 2021; Accepted Teams: 591 (Total: 604)
Map: Karelia
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 20, 2021
Average WN8: 1,200
Total: 591
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Thaxllssillyia Gros
267 66% 6,051
2,102 69% 4,750
Weapon_NA [HACK1] Dembow
283 60% 4,492
zentaris [MAXH0] Zentaris
2,934 57% 4,212
mauri_nalbarte [IUWUI] tanquistas
3,923 59% 3,820
IgnorantOne [2M8TA] Ignor
3,147 65% 3,667
HoffmannBR [8BITS] no.tierV
4,904 59% 3,476
Hold_My_Bear [VILIN] Hold_My_Bear
5,034 59% 3,459
Nuevo_Jefe [B34RS] No_se_Cual
16,261 60% 3,410
Larry_EL_Sucio [WILDH] 123123
12,086 60% 3,373
Aegyptis [BE] Churro
6,711 62% 3,281
rastrillo_007 [CTR-1] eddd
2,865 55% 3,144
756 61% 3,120
_H4rdCore__Myp_Myp_Myp_ [C-I-S] Myp_Team
12,877 60% 3,004
kaiky_01 IMUNE
1,779 56% 2,980
italien5804 [BBI] italien
18,951 56% 2,946
TastyPastry [-G-] asdfads
33,872 59% 2,945
CrazyStranger [TRY] Epta
788 62% 2,928
tankcraft07 [JAV] the Big Lebowski
1,800 50% 2,792
Inkv3_Gaming v3 fed
45,701 58% 2,764
1,192 59% 2,721
_S_A_M_B_U_U_ [-HERO] _S_A_M_B_U_U_
10,633 57% 2,680
Perfury_Luxy [6_6_6] PerfuryLuxy
872 56% 2,679
15,755 54% 2,677
riseglory [LOAD] nomnomnom
28,065 57% 2,635
5,390 56% 2,617
Maisnondedieu [FSIM] j'aime le pain
402 60% 2,585
CHAOS_team [C-I-S] MY_littel _ponny
3,590 59% 2,582
L0rdB0b [HACK1] LordB0b
3,153 58% 2,579
Oosa [RELIC] AFKDue2ClanWarsGz2U
32,974 58% 2,559
AlphaKrieger [-ZOO-] Draggin Wagon
6,706 57% 2,543
xX_TopRamen_Xx [I-K-N] ahhhh
32,188 60% 2,451
Tank_Jackin [XILES] Monitor
48,066 57% 2,427
Jhumelz [FINES] Excelleon
3,118 59% 2,400
FxxkChase [PLAF] tournament bot
6,343 58% 2,381
PythagoreanTheorem [PPNRG] ur mum
7,138 51% 2,375
_Wolftron [FINES] Excelleon1
3,878 60% 2,369
Bloop1xC1PD [FSIM] whoula
281 59% 2,367
BeHumble__ [PLAF] 🍅🍅🍅🍅
9,678 57% 2,291
Op_Player_ [T_END] GGgg
567 67% 2,286
lamplight [FINES] Blue Turret
26,550 55% 2,189
Bluw_OwO [L4ST] OwOed
2,614 54% 2,169
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Cuddlefish
58,826 55% 2,158
Brohammer [SQUAL] hehxdd
33,927 55% 2,154
MasterAtEverTing [OPIC] Master
12,780 56% 2,152
jaguarfsa505 jaguarfsa505
1,101 53% 2,135
__WarChild__ [OPIC] PandemicPanda
42,755 58% 2,115
ateszrambo6 atesz
21,188 53% 2,109
Skatme01 [CLASL] Skatme01
24,152 55% 2,107
elsinnombre2019 [IUWUI] ferneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
9,981 55% 2,062
Total: 591

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