Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 16, 2021; Accepted Teams: 64 (Total: 103)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 16, 2021
Average WN8: 1,250
Total: 193
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
9,892 65% 3,662
Senpai_Of_Teuz1n [TEACH] _S_e_n_p_a_i_Hentai_
4,092 62% 3,364
PlayFight [LOAD] Fysters
4,162 59% 3,164
birdofthedead_16 [B34RS] HDS__
4,585 59% 3,091
15,384 65% 3,053
italien5804 [BBI] body
18,792 56% 2,920
Inkv3_Gaming [HACKD] Alpha Group
45,657 58% 2,765
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] HDS__
14,115 57% 2,619
tam2c_2002 [A-L-V] XDDDDDDDDDDD
1,621 57% 2,472
Incongnito [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
21,696 57% 2,437
ImNot_F4BRIZI0 [TEACH] _S_e_n_p_a_i_Hentai_
6,997 56% 2,425
IRUD74bc [S-A-B] GospineVeseleDevojke
18,402 57% 2,424
FxxkChase [PLAF] tournament bot
6,294 58% 2,381
WindGhost97 [4-K] Kia Ora
39,901 55% 2,374
_Johnny_Silverhand_ [HUMO] _API
19,747 58% 2,303
sanyi021 [HUNK] Spártai lacibrigágya
39,686 55% 2,297
BeHumble__ [PLAF] tournament bot
9,678 57% 2,291
_PennywiseTheClown_ Mile Kitic
46,858 56% 2,287
45,482 56% 2,266
1Trampozo [FBL] FBL.
16,397 56% 2,243
darrhub [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
17,636 57% 2,239
C_i_ [CLIMB] Die with Glory
7,073 56% 2,211
8_T_1 [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
16,243 59% 2,201
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Alpha Group
42,723 58% 2,115
Senpai_Of_Compton [TEACH] _S_e_n_p_a_i_Hentai_
17,794 54% 2,109
luiscenteno Haceteculia
1,021 54% 2,068
yasine007 [ORDER] yolo for win
79,832 54% 2,066
The_KoolaidMan [CCCM] Fysters
33,439 55% 2,063
Lomdermas [_2D2_] Lordsheen
49,889 54% 1,988
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
71,494 57% 1,971
_Sharky [PZB] Bubby
18,414 53% 1,922
MistarFortune [PLAF] tournament bot
18,866 55% 1,911
Crazy_Horse84 [S-A-B] 😎15th S-A-B😎
2,718 55% 1,903
hamidreza123_2020 ALPHA 1
4,511 53% 1,887
bir4ok [LIO] _BG_
59,223 54% 1,881
Materpro Haceteculia
39,560 53% 1,829
slick33 [NUFFS] Eraser
79,147 53% 1,825
Zecola12 [XO] Play for Gold 1
5,604 53% 1,795
theloser111 [RES3T] Knife in Skull
27,642 53% 1,793
MoonHwaRyu [RDDT] Kia Ora
23,980 54% 1,773
N4jdovski [S-A-B] 😎15th S-A-B😎
30,503 53% 1,749
str9257 [MS0B] Bubby
26,160 53% 1,746
93,763 53% 1,746
AxL_Kira_7L [NACAO] nação brasil
2,761 49% 1,728
Shinji_lkari [4ORCE] HarmZ - D Team
34,345 54% 1,725
hernandezmaster_2015 [A-L-V] XDDDDDDDDDDD
18,674 53% 1,686
9,601 52% 1,682
profchaos2 [PLAF] Chaos
22,814 56% 1,670
Ultron666 [PANSY] Shells Fargo
22,180 54% 1,669
Buck_Rogers_21 [4RTY] Join me!
1,893 48% 1,661
Total: 193

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