Tournament - 4v4: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 07, 2021; Accepted Teams: 56 (Total: 88)
Map: Murovanka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 07, 2021
Average WN8: 1,458
Total: 225
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
RaiseOnce [PHASE] ‮‮‮‮‮
8,889 66% 3,968
9,777 65% 3,645
CHAI___Sniper [-G-] yoloswag420
8,242 66% 3,585
alphanascimento Knife in Skull
2,614 64% 3,565
CrimsonRedLineSniper [JUDG] RETIRED GAMERS
13,211 65% 3,469
13,829 62% 3,261
PlayFight [LOAD] Fysters
4,000 59% 3,160
Dr_Hannibal_________TKNA [JUDG] RETIRED GAMERS
6,630 61% 3,088
15,311 65% 3,046
_H4rdCore__Myp_Myp_Myp_ KOZAK
12,583 60% 3,018
raha_evgen [KOZAK] KOZAK
13,188 58% 2,999
74,467 59% 2,988
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
33,838 59% 2,945
NiceTeef [CZ4R] good shit 👌👌
10,672 59% 2,903
andaalacancha_bobo Ualá
1,610 59% 2,822
Langr [PHASE] ‮‮‮‮‮
16,890 60% 2,799
Starshield [4ORCE] Staff Infection
48,370 61% 2,767
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] come to the clan!!
14,001 57% 2,614
RevoElef_SAO_Rabbit [NEWBI] Meatball BEAM
55,314 61% 2,557
L0rdB0b [HACK1] ByChance
2,908 58% 2,512
_Wretch_ [4ORCE] murobots
7,055 54% 2,483
Demonic671 [CRAKD] yoloswag420
25,397 58% 2,444
levachek [KOZAK] Alpha Group
37,914 59% 2,438
Incongnito [DREAM] Dream Cream
21,694 57% 2,437
Abyssal_Kitty [RDDT] Professional Thrower
27,652 56% 2,423
__THE_WAR_MACHINE__ [4ORCE] Staff Infection
30,242 60% 2,423
Donald_Pump [RELIC] yoloswag420
40,729 59% 2,422
_Wolftron [BABNS] Excelleon
3,538 59% 2,393
TrueFace Ualá
2,897 59% 2,365
Jhumelz [OKEY3] Excelleon
2,816 58% 2,353
ZaNamy [KOZAK] Alpha Group
27,872 58% 2,327
_Johnny_Silverhand_ [HUMO] _API
19,697 58% 2,299
54,364 58% 2,255
darrhub [DREAM] Dream Cream
17,544 57% 2,236
Groza_69 [C-I-S] lenin jiv
5,781 54% 2,215
8_T_1 [DREAM] Dream Cream
16,140 59% 2,199
ExtremeTreant Ualá
3,187 59% 2,198
Miintos [PHASE] ByChance
32,460 54% 2,193
lamplight Murovanka 4 X 4
26,352 55% 2,183
Triarthrus_spinosus [XO] tankytanks
26,672 55% 2,179
fancy__ [PHASE] good shit 👌👌
10,248 58% 2,154
ben_d0ver [FYSTN] Fysters
8,921 58% 2,114
Jellyteef [CZ4R] good shit 👌👌
34,403 55% 2,107
Cesunga [HUMO] _API
24,448 57% 2,089
IcedTeaWithNoIce [RDDT] Professional Thrower
40,974 55% 2,072
NeboCema KOZAK
33,546 57% 2,064
yasine007 [ORDER] yolo for win
79,659 54% 2,063
Epileptic_Monkey [4ORCE] Staff Infection
33,311 55% 2,036
elsinnombre2019 [IUWUI] FerNan
9,691 55% 2,034
Spencer925 The Hyme
45,220 56% 1,999
Total: 225

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