Tournament - Skirmish IV

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 25, 2016; Accepted Teams: 105 (Total: 144)
Map: Lakeville
Battle Mode: Encounter
Start: January 25, 2016
Average WN8: 1,162
Total: 784
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Sp00kyScarySkeleton [CHAI] Armored Beliebers
5,953 65% 3,730
MyStatPaddingAccount [CHAI] Armored Beliebers
2,435 73% 3,634
ShapeShifta_O_OII politically correct tankers!
25,343 63% 3,326
Hueno [R-R-R] Playroll
12,669 64% 3,214
Zymeth2468 [ZED-E] Tha Tourinators
328 62% 3,173
The_Millard [M--M] Here for the gold, Ma'am.
24,463 64% 2,891
Commander_Jay [FCF] Fate's Chosen
24,837 61% 2,848
OpieOP_ [G4ME] politically correct tankers!
3,069 58% 2,736
_MilkSter_ [M0] politically correct tankers!
25,625 61% 2,629
Crescent_Rose [R-R-R] Playroll
6,938 61% 2,607
ItzBlitz [SIMP] Fate's Chosen
29,912 63% 2,603
Nikanbudongzhongwen [R-R-R] Playroll
14,415 61% 2,596
DeadDotEd [ZOUTH] ! Zouth Zpawn Bezt Zpawn
29,827 62% 2,560
criticalthought [M0] politically correct tankers!
16,560 60% 2,549
Chaqmol [BOTOM] JaMbOn aux épices d'automne
13,353 60% 2,521
_J_D_ [VILIN] ! Zouth Zpawn Bezt Zpawn
68,162 57% 2,507
SekteWolf [M0] politically correct tankers!
19,684 60% 2,485
_HashTag_ Ominous
9,145 58% 2,393
Naviros [SIMP] -DIG-
22,452 59% 2,390
Slic [REL-2] Ominous
35,829 56% 2,385
Zequill ! Zouth Zpawn Bezt Zpawn
18,271 58% 2,355
4OHO [TOTEM] Totem
8,468 60% 2,339
Fluffypuppy1 [RDDT] Ebola Loves The FCM 50T
21,881 57% 2,323
Warrior_Sulduz [TURK_] -(O_O)-
341 57% 2,314
kmasing [AGFR] AGFR
26,542 57% 2,296
Drastic_Meat [CHILL] Chilled Out
10,841 58% 2,259
Ak666 [ENA] ENA
1,411 57% 2,238
EbolaRunningAtYou Ebola Loves The FCM 50T
25,283 57% 2,219
tuguldur_06 [TOTEM] Totem
46,265 56% 2,215
Disturbed_Munky [M0] politically correct tankers!
21,205 54% 2,212
T_Smoove [R-R-R] Playroll
14,716 57% 2,208
MW212 [JSOCT] DaNkGaM3r4231
28,697 56% 2,205
richsniper [RDDT] Ebola Loves The FCM 50T
22,430 59% 2,199
Excalibur0_0 [R-R-R] Playroll
32,154 56% 2,174
Turboguy1 [SIMP] Tom Brady is GOAT
18,068 59% 2,148
haoming [R-R-R] Playroll
16,351 59% 2,147
GoodandPlenty_2 [GSKUL] I am not die
18,896 57% 2,130
mrjefferson [_WD_] TeNaCiTy
28,414 54% 2,125
Prime_Sentinel [REL_3] Fate's Chosen
26,388 58% 2,122
Aloeus [GSKUL] I am not die
17,330 56% 2,120
SafioR_ [TOTEM] Totem
23,000 57% 2,119
_Esdeath [-404-] HUMO
10,232 57% 2,118
Ladrx [CHILL] Chilled Out
12,763 57% 2,110
ScrubIord [VILIN] politically correct tankers!
25,023 57% 2,107
MetalMenace [15TRB] 15BAT
1,897 58% 2,107
BeastMode95 [B_I_A] TenaciousD
23,494 56% 2,102
Merkav [TILLY] Tilly
24,017 60% 2,089
Thetankguy11 [SEEL6] 1776V
6,374 56% 2,080
Valgaras [BOTOM] JaMbOn aux épices d'automne
12,729 58% 2,040
Tiro_Fijo [ACA] Impresentables
20,965 55% 2,033
Total: 784

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