Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: July 11, 2020; Accepted Teams: 102 (Total: 135)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: July 11, 2020
Average WN8: 1,331
Total: 308
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Sheep_ [GIVUP] 3 vs el que venga
693 74% 5,932
mauri_nalbarte Quebec2
1,565 62% 4,667
_NaThaN0 [CTO] Sanandaj
2,898 59% 3,464
Flashlin [-G-] Ay we got some пушки
22,603 63% 3,241
_M_a_T_e_u_s_ [N0M0D] 𝔇𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢
2,344 62% 3,154
3,301 61% 3,153
Player_91 [N0M0D] ‮‮‮‮‮‮
563 55% 3,016
Dotar_Soyat [-NCP-] Sne4K Bl4ckSh4rK
5,262 62% 2,983
Pollenz [CAVY] Alto Botardo ®
43,586 64% 2,981
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
32,650 59% 2,969
Munia19 [LLA] Alto Botardo ®
32,663 60% 2,956
Flooky_ [GIVUP] 3 vs el que venga
25,465 59% 2,941
John_The_Terrible [CHAI] Awkward Turtles
22,874 59% 2,733
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] TOP_1
11,543 58% 2,702
Nehalim [-G-] Awkward Turtles
36,939 58% 2,701
RocKnFly [-G-] yoloswag420
44,062 60% 2,676
_Starsilver_ [YOUJO] TOP_1
16,956 55% 2,619
Major_Kenway [N0M0D] 𝔇𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢
46,349 56% 2,582
Yair_Termimemes_Trucho_ [X-7] X-T7_FTW
2,073 56% 2,562
kainter gg gg g gg g g
2,746 53% 2,525
theKrakenpps [KEEP] YUCATEAM
27,534 55% 2,478
Logos [LLA] Alto Botardo ®
70,656 58% 2,454
MaxXxim [FELIX] Ay we got some пушки
41,050 59% 2,439
_F4BRIZI0 [N0M0D] ‮‮‮‮‮‮
6,486 56% 2,433
TouchingPermanently [-G-] yoloswag420
57,889 56% 2,311
MatBR1 [C0BR4] Gudi Gudi
36,436 54% 2,295
Jelly_Boom [VILIN] Ay we got some пушки
23,952 57% 2,283
Nahuelcaput makina de fornicar
31,941 56% 2,246
Tak_Tikz [NUFFS] Eraser
5,191 56% 2,246
CloseYourEyes_ [3-FPS] bleach
6,256 51% 2,233
42,670 55% 2,190
Ste_mon [KEEP] Awkward Turtles
52,667 54% 2,128
Surv_Neverlucky [GIVUP] 3 vs el que venga
46,499 53% 2,108
28,565 54% 2,063
elsinnombre2019 [F0RTE] ESPAÑOL
8,534 55% 2,059
_Fede__RS [DEMSY] Xxxxl
7,468 54% 2,057
2ndTanks_ [GO4T] No Name
125,314 54% 2,051
destrodher [CWS] psycho killers
15,092 55% 2,032
__WarChild__ [OPIC] SHEETERS!
39,440 57% 2,023
__Matt___ [CELTA] Caca
29,496 53% 2,002
Hanke_13 [N0M0D] 𝔇𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢
31,343 53% 1,963
_Camilo_Gomez [L4ST] Cotsby
2,465 51% 1,935
Laniru [NUFFS] Eraser
29,686 54% 1,928
_IC4RUS__ [X-7] X-T7_FTW
30,612 53% 1,905
50,055 52% 1,893
Czechox [IPCL] Puro Plomo
22,379 55% 1,867
D_emonio [DEMSY] Xxxxl
67,805 55% 1,859
Marrano_Kun__0_0ll [LLA] Emily Willis
9,654 55% 1,845
YES_iLoveArty [GOONZ] ‮‮‮‮
16,543 53% 1,845
Faster_Blaster [ROGER] No mames
37,854 54% 1,818
Total: 308

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