Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: April 10, 2020; Accepted Teams: 399 (Total: 512)
Map: Ensk
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: April 10, 2020
Average WN8: 1,182
Total: 799
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
HACHA_ [X-RAY] Pache&Apache
115 69% 5,656
JustinC_permabanned [CHAI] [email protected]
12,237 69% 4,463
RaiseOnce [TRY] ¡No pasarán!
1,261 65% 4,100
mauri_nalbarte [7SEN5] los2
8 63% 3,751
Totally_NotABot [ICB] Whelan Da Jew Lawyer
1,243 62% 3,427
Hide_on_Bush__ asd1
1,745 61% 3,378
Jim_Halpert_ [-BY-] Leche con pan
5,028 67% 3,322
Flashlin [KOZAK] Drunk soviets
20,712 63% 3,283
68 65% 3,128
PeculiarChild [TRY] ¡No pasarán!
9,827 63% 2,920
CptBastidas [YOUJO] _COVID_
27,815 59% 2,907
__RagnarLothbrok [-G-] 113 A
1,923 61% 2,882
ItsGonRain [YOUJO] Trolleo go brrr
39,166 60% 2,863
YaDadIsAHo TesticleTicklers
33 55% 2,853
Deffendor aaaaa
30,641 59% 2,851
PowerPuffGirls_Bubble [-G-] 神雕侠侣
53,983 61% 2,823
El_Panchis [R-7] _COVID_
5,190 57% 2,768
Go_to_school_by_BUS [YOUJO] [email protected]
31,359 60% 2,694
_Manc0 [4-K] TheDerpShermanBrthrs
16,551 57% 2,681
VegetableChicken [-G-] GuGuGu
25,711 59% 2,680
YaMumIsAHo [OPIC] fliflaflexbus
30 67% 2,665
deli_really_heckin [SUX] Megatron
19,606 57% 2,661
Go_TaIILuTb [TOP_1] WN8_XX
4,198 58% 2,656
Anoth3rOne [VILIN] -HTK-
19,429 56% 2,642
fachero007 [M_R_5] Fachero
10,920 60% 2,632
_Ruev________________UwU [STAKD] aaaaa
1,111 61% 2,614
Canadian_Mano [YOUJO] Trolleo go brrr
38,106 61% 2,576
Quantumkiwi [VILIN] ____
17,717 58% 2,550
kainter gee gee
1,221 53% 2,502
Scylus Scatcat
18,458 56% 2,486
Zrthia 2_GIRLS_ONE_JAR.mp4
4,147 57% 2,437
LuisYekmax [-AT] OpWacho
29,381 56% 2,394
leandrox7 [SOYUZ] empanada
37,925 56% 2,383
Cpl_Maida [VILIN] 529 Plan
36,060 56% 2,376
_Pro_Hacker_ [4-K] Kimz19
38,162 56% 2,368
Philotes The Shadevari
29,345 67% 2,358
DanktasticMintyEggplant Rickle Picks
27,338 56% 2,308
Southern_Hustler [TL-DR] JUGGS
29,103 55% 2,298
PooperScooper762 Pooper and Packers
2,751 57% 2,294
YaSisIsAHo TesticleTicklers
31 71% 2,282
Mvictor [IMPBR] TheDerpShermanBrthrs
23,412 55% 2,279
Sparater [ALERT] BigChungas
19,332 57% 2,273
gunz222 [ALERT] BigChungas
33,638 57% 2,264
JohnTheChaiSniperDoge [ZEUS] Whats a tank?
17,120 58% 2,247
Pofeteo Kane lives in death!
38,974 57% 2,244
YaGfIsAHo [OPIC] fliflaflexbus
32 69% 2,239
Jelly_Boom [CLAWS] Drunk soviets
21,814 57% 2,225
Xintong [-NGA-] -NGA-
26,067 56% 2,224
DanielJenner [TSBOB] Teadious Diner Clown
2,057 54% 2,221
ephebus Bored of Isolation
30,458 56% 2,210
Total: 799

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