Tournament - 4v4: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 12, 2019; Accepted Teams: 133 (Total: 194)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: December 12, 2019
Average WN8: 1,265
Total: 538
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
bozya [KOZAK] 12345
11,049 63% 3,934
_Willy__ [-BY-] MARADONA
3,467 67% 3,480
Imponderable [RS] Red Soviet Sky
4,290 61% 3,460
_M_a_T_e_u_s_ [EX-BR] CLOVIS
548 61% 3,375
bikbokaz [KOZAK] Vipel
17,283 61% 3,336
6,188 59% 3,203
SoLo_PuGn4toR_xD [LLA] Riootis
1,615 60% 3,048
Inkv3_Gaming [HACKD] Old Steel
43,073 58% 2,934
2,767 56% 2,703
baron_rojo_24 [NEXTG] TheMancus
5,852 58% 2,672
LittlexxxxPigxxxx [GRIMY] ----
46,412 62% 2,655
wotbestgame [HUMO] HUMO
17,057 56% 2,629
Insane_Lex [KOZAK] 12345
13,131 59% 2,590
levachek [KOZAK] 12345
34,633 60% 2,566
Profesorr [KZK-A] Vipel
363 61% 2,561
joker423_2017 [KOZAK] Vipel
14,738 59% 2,507
RevoElef_SAO_Rabbit [NEWBI] send color map daily
48,872 60% 2,472
theKrakenpps [KEEP] Army 07
26,183 55% 2,436
MegaMaxs [RS] Red Soviet Sky
20,592 60% 2,390
RoyalGreenPC 4x4 DeluxeDBLstats
24,263 56% 2,389
TopshootT [H0LGS] PUMP IT UP 🚯
1,761 55% 2,374
Templamello [O-66] PANDA
20,522 56% 2,356
comandante_001 [KEEP] 10ocupados
24,504 57% 2,355
7ipic0___7oxic0 [LLA] Bronha Atômica
5,851 56% 2,323
xxXKaiserXxx [HUMO] Humito
46,456 55% 2,323
darvin12 [CTO] BANINÓIS
24,469 54% 2,302
Xx__RuSsiaN_ScUm_____XD [VILIN] Fuckin EBR
24,987 55% 2,262
eXrusso [LLA] ----
39,405 56% 2,259
ben_d0ver The Violators
6,177 58% 2,229
S0RROW [HUMO] Humito
19,797 58% 2,219
______Z4FKIEL Bronha Atômica
11,482 55% 2,219
cello_ Death note book
18,386 57% 2,205
Panama07 [TOMI] hghfgfg
13,617 55% 2,193
Rivotril_clonazepam_2mg [LLA] MALAKOI
53,307 56% 2,193
RC_1140 [CLAWS] 4x4 DeluxeDBLstats
64,690 56% 2,189
alipalange [PARS] Death note book
79,544 57% 2,185
themusgrat [LARRY] knight
29,801 57% 2,175
Malassombro [8BITS] DxD Is Life
33,467 55% 2,153
MarianoRojas [_M3_] FULL EBR
34,208 56% 2,144
Apoca3110 [O-66] PANDA
17,652 56% 2,141
TRON_vix [GIVUP] 4x4 DeluxeDBLstats
34,485 56% 2,128
aRenBy78 [KOZAK] 12345
4,042 58% 2,114
MetadonaII [PROF] carry
84,350 54% 2,105
Ytai99 [RES3T] Riootis
25,697 54% 2,100
Epileptic_Monkey [ALERT] Anti-Social
29,988 55% 2,100
The_KoolaidMan The Violators
30,212 55% 2,093
Aguslos80 [HUMO] Vapor
21,410 53% 2,048
35,956 55% 2,031
SifoDiyas [BB-C4] Eraser
796 56% 2,021
chrystopherhop [RUGIR] Rugir78
26,663 55% 2,002
Total: 538

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