Tournament - Weekday Warfare 50

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 28, 2015; Accepted Teams: 80 (Total: 114)
Map: Mines
Battle Mode: Encounter
Start: December 28, 2015
Average WN8: 1,327
Total: 315
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Sp00kyScarySkeleton Sp00ky's Bone Boys
5,329 65% 3,661
MyStatPaddingAccount [CHAI] We have 999 ping
2,369 73% 3,601
_oscar___________ LosViolines
51 71% 3,515
Sheep_ [WILDH] Ping 999
7,026 64% 3,302
Brad_Rolim [-DUTY] #BRMA Winners
12,601 63% 3,261
NBDSpartan [PV] Sp00ky's Bone Boys
9,842 65% 3,260
absoluteBum [OTTER] Inandout
34,137 59% 2,899
Bumbleton Accuracy Through Volume
20,753 60% 2,833
Xion_ [BULBA] #BRMA Winners
21,700 62% 2,828
_ennui [M0] Red Line Commandos
41,436 59% 2,790
HenriqueDante Sem nome
36,891 61% 2,739
OpieOP_ [SHOJO] We have 999 ping
2,652 58% 2,724
_BillGates_ [PV] Sp00ky's Bone Boys
4,051 61% 2,686
2127Faerthereaper [BULBA] Red Line Commandos
20,192 57% 2,664
Haich Sem nome
20,232 61% 2,656
MuFa5a [WILDH] Ping 999
13,321 60% 2,559
GeoMight [P4NDA] Atuin's P4NDA
13,962 58% 2,550
O_P_Hacker [STAKD] Y0L0_Hax
14,514 66% 2,543
x__Tanker__x [--F--] Red Line Commandos
249 63% 2,542
luis_77 [S-A-R] Equipo ABMODEL
2,626 58% 2,518
Zakaladas_Reroll_Account !! PARS !!
1,821 63% 2,510
_Tontinakis [WILDH] Ping 999
22,387 56% 2,470
VilinLivesMatter [VILIN] The Badness Continues
28,437 60% 2,465
joebob99 [STAKD] Y0L0_Hax
21,693 58% 2,464
PINK_STEALTH_ [N0VA_] In loving memory of jessicaelbow
1,087 63% 2,443
xXIronBad_o7o7o7 [M0] Red Line Commandos
45,438 59% 2,438
Boozebear12 [STAKD] Inandout
23,357 56% 2,353
sale_maxa [FLAR3] coffee to go
29,510 57% 2,341
_xXx__Shadow__xXx_ [WILDH] -0_0-
34,211 58% 2,319
Vyraall [VILIN] The Badness Continues
26,511 60% 2,313
_Exo [OTTER] We have 999 ping
9,511 59% 2,311
CptBastidas [CAPOS] !!!!!YOLOMAX!!!!!
3,203 56% 2,288
Sanisk [DUTY] Area 51
16,746 59% 2,275
trovao [-FBB-] Megalodonte
50,966 57% 2,254
fachero007 [BO-LA] LosViolines
4,033 59% 2,245
EasyGameEasyLife [VILIN] The Badness Continues
17,666 59% 2,238
K1d_Rayn3m [-GO-] Tempest gaming
5,616 57% 2,236
Canoodian [FMLY] Accuracy Through Volume
38,129 54% 2,227
SgtMCrhis [CAPOS] !!!!!YOLOMAX!!!!!
9,543 57% 2,218
_BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP [UFTS] In loving memory of jessicaelbow
27,757 57% 2,216
RazKing [TILLY] !NoPassword!
1,884 58% 2,198
Dieselforblood [PV] Sp00ky's Bone Boys
18,358 56% 2,192
LargeFries [RS] Bear Huggers
70,733 58% 2,175
mr_fancy_pants [RS] Bear Huggers
40,091 57% 2,172
Chuck_Norr1s Tempest gaming
149 59% 2,166
_verminator_ [STAKD] Inandout
21,804 58% 2,152
Frizzled07 [RS] Bear Huggers
29,703 58% 2,148
MotherTruckinMexican [CLAWS] Batchat is best chat
20,096 57% 2,144
Dj_Mircea [RO-TD] LoOSERS
14,029 55% 2,138
dario06 [FLAR3] -0_0-
19,772 57% 2,132
Total: 315

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