Tournament - Platournament 6.06.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: June 06, 2017; Accepted Teams: 341 (Total: 416)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: June 06, 2017
Average WN8: 1,008
Total: 1,280
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Lobo_de_ferro [8BITS] vraaaauuuumm
25,862 50% 1,399
SilverWolfz [NA-CL] NaCl
5,625 53% 1,398
panzerchumben [COCA] LET ME IN
40,687 51% 1,398
jorgelp [EARCT] los tres chiflados
30,550 50% 1,397
Deschi [WN] Goldorak go!
25,501 52% 1,396
NizzY0302 [S-A-B] Friends of Vulturem
19,928 51% 1,390
homero12 GOLD RUSH
16,703 52% 1,388
henriquecarneiro [IPV] _IPV_
29,700 51% 1,387
BladeZiN [CTO] !Bala de Festim!
10,931 51% 1,386
The_K1llZ0Ne [S-A-B] Don't Worry We'r ReD
8,055 52% 1,383
_iTzRico_25 [-LAC-] TIGER
24,751 52% 1,383
Alexander193 Hunter's
24,718 51% 1,382
20,510 51% 1,381
12,399 51% 1,381
OlocoBr [8BITS] Joia
19,098 51% 1,372
Gaucho_sniper_elite [OWAR] Black Wolf
8,833 52% 1,371
LetalCore05998 [DMM] Los 4 magnificos
10,678 52% 1,371
4,005 55% 1,370
Cassio_knot [RCS] ding
6,679 51% 1,369
Yelder117 [506TH] q lo pario
5,931 52% 1,368
The_Putin [KABOM] trash team
14,798 53% 1,365
kovg [MAZUT] Dream Team
6,526 56% 1,365
mormo [EARCT] Cuak
54,846 50% 1,365
evildoctor [NA-CL] NA-CL Cavemen
15,875 51% 1,364
Medic3223 [SF-V] SF-V
3,195 50% 1,362
AdmiralQQ ++++++++++
14,030 52% 1,360
supergeorge72 [ACA] Cabezas_Duras
27,933 52% 1,356
rato_branco [HMBR] 100%OFF!
44,076 51% 1,355
Markuz [RNGH] RNGH
15,142 50% 1,355
FlawlessFPS [TMC] The HERD
12,202 51% 1,354
ErwiinRommell [8BITS] Aliados
16,733 51% 1,354
Cylon_Dave [5D4] Driving Blind
18,432 51% 1,348
mlinke Steppe_fox
44,379 51% 1,347
Leonidas_PEB [BTV] Los Machacadores >:V
22,704 51% 1,347
Mazdam [TAW] TAW VonSquad
5,094 51% 1,347
xColonel [WONKA] Wankers
28,620 51% 1,347
MegaXZ_26 [8BITS] Aim..Fire..and Miss!
12,008 53% 1,344
TheKingPlayer [NOMY] Los mancos
7,222 52% 1,344
JWendt1999 [FIT] DevilDawgs
8,547 52% 1,343
grobari84 [S-A-B] =S-A-B=
29,793 50% 1,342
negalaiden [RNGH] RNGH
35,367 50% 1,340
XxxxcarrascoxxxX [SIGH] BRCMD-ALFA
12,082 51% 1,338
TankityTankity [BTU-A] I lose alot
30,961 51% 1,337
New_Vicious [KABOM] trash team
13,340 53% 1,336
DarkSoulRock [XTREM] (Y)_LOS_PITUFOS_(Y)
24,932 51% 1,335
haycart [BROTU] brotu
7,800 51% 1,335
xNarfix [-FBB-] ...AVAAAAA!!!
29,212 50% 1,326
Galodoido80 [LEGI0] Time BR Fodasticos.
26,869 51% 1,323
Hoffmann_1 [8BITS] Kelly's Hero
25,003 51% 1,323
Mikes278 [L_LEG] LOBO SOLO
7,089 52% 1,321
Total: 1,280

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