Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 25, 2023; Accepted Teams: 38 (Total: 57)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 25, 2023
Average WN8: 1,652
Total: 115
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
CaLMaTe_01 [B34RS] KingBear
29,511 53% 1,718
HaiDo10 [-VOID] Team name
48,869 53% 1,702
FELSIW_ [_300_] Gtt pro
1,858 53% 1,702
henriquecarneiro [-PHD-] CRAZY BOOT
43,896 53% 1,689
tanquedaniel [-BX-] PENDING_APPROVAL
59,642 55% 1,687
War__Scas [E-O-A] Under Dogz
6,589 53% 1,681
superquack6 [RS] Quack
34,873 52% 1,677
El_Ottomano [GTT] Gtt pro
12,500 52% 1,666
theblackeagle [-VOID] gee gee Eraser
69,689 52% 1,665
koolankit [UNSAT] Free Balochistan
77,208 52% 1,650
eraser1962 [HAVOK] Quack
37,290 53% 1,599
sasagigs1995 [S-A-B] MalaplavaizLeskovac
57,491 51% 1,594
Pacheco_Cabrera [KING_] mongoloids
16,887 50% 1,548
yeisonstiven [DOREK] 0007
37,088 50% 1,522
ASSASSIN2016_accurate [RDDT] Free Balochistan
30,680 51% 1,487
CrispPOP [PEKO] Cracked Tomatoes
7,376 52% 1,479
CrazyWolf157 [-PHD-] CRAZY BOOT
32,247 50% 1,464
Straight_Curves [B-B-T] Blue Boars
3,159 54% 1,458
9,182 52% 1,445
37,614 52% 1,429
Raltahook [SRB] Team name
28,060 50% 1,423
Gingerjesus08 [COII] Ding_Dong
9,133 49% 1,419
DRAGON_fORCE_ [BANDS] LosTeletuvis
20,173 52% 1,401
AceNikhil [RDDT] *DE-TOX*
59,799 51% 1,401
__Mustang__ [NAM] -=NAM=-
88,136 49% 1,398
TrojanMan TISM
20,995 51% 1,396
Snide [NAM] -=NAM=-
85,688 50% 1,389
Juan_Carlos_Valencia [ARMUR] @@@@
5,431 48% 1,364
PUMADIER [CLASS] Please show up.
68,270 50% 1,299
HighRoll_ [-CLN-] BE-THERE :)
5,123 50% 1,276
ProSair [BANDS] 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
23,772 50% 1,271
Tunnelrat2 [DD-S] LosLocos
86,899 52% 1,221
Shong_Anglion [DUCHE] LosTeletuvis
47,205 50% 1,206
The_Real_Curtis [COII] Ding_Dong
9,001 50% 1,198
sonica89 [PZFST] G-W-E
16,524 49% 1,156
bradplayer [TUN] ----------->
41,261 49% 1,145
RenamedUser_1026596305 [BANDS] 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
36,042 49% 1,135
Not_Fingers23_UwU_ [BANDS] LosTeletuvis
24,829 48% 1,120
minisculemaniac [DONG] mongoloids
13,391 48% 1,043
DarkMagic666 [PEKO] Cracked Tomatoes
8,362 50% 1,039
Knoxamous [P1GZ] Warpigs
24,977 47% 1,032
tpsrna [DD-S] LosLocos
21,034 50% 1,004
Sofiaa [CRF] mongoloids
48,392 47% 962
v8v8v8 Trump for Mexico
20,465 48% 959
jpboyvi [NAM] -=NAM=-
44,365 47% 890
Gunslingr72 [P1GZ] Warpigs
34,618 48% 865
dominator_dude [B-B-T] Blue Boars
5,749 51% 827
mr_von [B-B-T] Blue Boars
85,734 48% 821
t808DunCan [14A] ----------->
103,296 49% 817
DedSec433 [S-A-B] MalaplavaizLeskovac
3,508 46% 806
Total: 115

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