Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 20, 2023; Accepted Teams: 302 (Total: 315)
Map: Cliff
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 20, 2023
Average WN8: 1,329
Total: 302
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
GrlmReaper_7 [S0ULS] Souls
25,040 46% 748
Lais_Saltoko [PORRO] Tortuga Roach
29,878 48% 734
tankist_5 [EVENT] ertcx
5,000 48% 731
MONGRALL [J4F] Jack Frost
61,213 48% 727
Dreadnerd [-A1D] Dreadnerd BRO
48,725 48% 723
Ironbreed69 [PAW] The Winning Team
5,580 46% 718
multidrago11 [BOOP3] Authenticator
5,131 47% 718
marcthefighter [JMSQC] NORNG
36,824 47% 711
Morfeu07 - 7 -
12,935 47% 693
Gabito7171 [OGT-S] Capibara2023
34,834 46% 683
Xxx_REAPER_xxX [14A] 1eyewilly
22,151 47% 677
cahmak_2018 [_505_] cahmak
36,063 45% 675
Efbehar [AMMO] -Ef-
66,197 47% 668
Cne1Elite Elite
17,347 46% 662
Russellmax [QNN] surpise
48,986 47% 646
33,596 46% 637
CrissMarx49 [DUCHE] Gawr Gura
15,280 47% 626
_Viper_83 [ENVOY] _Viper_83
34,666 46% 623
denniscanning [25CDN] you missed
65,802 46% 616
Chicolang [-F0X-] CHICOLANDIA
6,504 46% 614
teck_jared Jaredteck
5,883 46% 613
botafogo_2 [KVERA] BOTAFOGO-2
35,472 40% 592
killthemall365 [14A] killthemall365
22,032 45% 585
OmegaTN [R794] OmegaTN
36,277 46% 583
sieger1999 [LOS22] legion
6,035 43% 580
mrsireass [NTWCH] tier 8
105,274 46% 578
DreadTrax [CLBBR] Squeek
52,027 47% 577
Leamar [LATIN] no se si vengo
47,244 45% 564
m1sterthe [VANYA] sigma_army
764 46% 544
pinkfuffyunicron [WTFWG] unicron
844 44% 537
tuaregue [ANACO] Blue Wolf
77,785 44% 529
Blackhawk__2021 [ERR9R] [BRWOT]
13,541 43% 525
red_eye NoBaD
109,514 47% 519
dog_92 [PAW] FURY
8,905 45% 503
7,065 46% 494
Francis_Soldado [INSS] Easy 101
1,364 43% 487
Jorge_Fernandes_JF [ALFA1] jorgefernandes_jf
15,759 44% 472
Araneam [STAR-] Aranha
34,638 46% 456
Callsign_Triple_D [B-B-T] 38 Crewcheif
9,126 47% 452
AsherStratton [TAOTL] Tank Ace
20,973 46% 448
luanbarcelos [KVERA] boca
5,802 45% 442
33,316 45% 434
AlephBax [MASK] Draw4Gold
51,921 45% 424
SabrewulfV [NAM] Wolfsden
31,412 45% 420
Godsmack__2022 [14A] godsmack2022
3,970 43% 354
highoctan36 [-LAL-] fuckyou
24,199 42% 349
michel_69 [BRTAN] Furiosos
3,772 42% 333
Rever4ever [I_AM1] Rever
17,599 45% 296
tsquires [USACK] Bobo the Monkey
15,181 45% 281
Don_Quixote24g [SAGGA] Don_Quxiote24g
3,133 41% 241
Total: 302

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