Tournament - Call to Arms #43

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 14, 2021; Accepted Teams: 31 (Total: 52)
Map: Murovanka
Battle Mode: Standard battle
Start: March 14, 2021
Average WN8: 1,731
Total: 672
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
RevoElef_SAO_Rabbit [NEWBI] Meatball BEAM
56,932 61% 2,618
Althalus_ [YOUJO] YOUJO
29,044 60% 2,618
Malassombro [8BITS] 8 BITS
41,479 57% 2,605
CHAOS_team [C-I-S] C-I-S
4,609 59% 2,603
61,252 61% 2,602
Tediore [-G-] -G-randpas
38,070 60% 2,579
Mamkin_Hero [KOZAK] KOZAK
69,024 57% 2,578
_Ruev________________UwU [SUS] meme team
1,854 62% 2,571
Insane_Lex [C-I-S] C-I-S
19,523 60% 2,560
Ferret_FastFarming_OnTop [FINES] FINES/WINGD
24,783 57% 2,542
FreezingBlizzard [YOUJO] YOUJO
30,576 58% 2,533
15,671 55% 2,526
Uncle_Bens_Rice_Factory [SUS] meme team
1,899 61% 2,525
45,094 57% 2,511
Zhuperman [FELIX] Clickers
31,344 60% 2,500
jessnostress [PHASE] PHASE
374 57% 2,496
LostThatLovinFeeling [-G-] -G-randpas
30,836 58% 2,490
Abyssal_Kitty [RDDT] TL-DR Jr Varsity
29,232 57% 2,483
Ba6aYaga [C-I-S] C-I-S
16,728 55% 2,472
mechanic_cup [KOZAK] KOZAK
29,820 58% 2,465
yorwic [LOWJO] LOWJO
27,978 57% 2,464
Rubber_Tooth_WoT [NEWBI] Meatball BEAM
17,454 57% 2,441
26,878 57% 2,437
IRUD74bc [S-A-B] 😎15th S-A-B😎
19,316 58% 2,423
30,682 60% 2,421
ZeroTwoBestGirlUwU [VANYA] UwU beat you
29,750 56% 2,421
9,735 57% 2,419
Turkey_Vulture [RDDT] TL-DR Jr Varsity
39,508 60% 2,413
_Pakm_ [-IPA-] -IPA-
16,526 56% 2,412
nikooooooo123 [-TRD-] TRD2
1,690 56% 2,406
SleekLK [FELIX] Clickers
45,712 58% 2,405
levachek [KOZAK] KOZAK
38,655 59% 2,390
Player30 [PHASE] PHASE
91,656 58% 2,382
Farmboyd [PHASE] PHASE
32,016 58% 2,377
LargeFries [RS] Red Sky
122,493 58% 2,371
N00BSAIB0T [-G-] -G-randpas
71,707 60% 2,367
M3rcury [-G-] -G-randpas
28,259 59% 2,361
TouchingPermanently [-G-] -G-randpas
62,708 56% 2,355
hutchy52 [RS] Red Sky
47,951 55% 2,349
24,952 57% 2,341
Calliope_Mori [PHASE] PHASE
4,558 56% 2,341
Mako26 [RS] Red Sky
18,765 59% 2,330
Sparater [4ORCE] 4ORCE
20,475 57% 2,325
k155l355 [YOUJO] YOUJO
17,630 53% 2,318
stagnate [-G-] -G-randpas
39,032 61% 2,314
CANDYTOSS [PLAF] chai snipe
37,828 57% 2,313
White_Fang_ [YOUJO] YOUJO
32,910 55% 2,306
29,241 58% 2,296
_____________________bie [PLAF] chai snipe
27,576 58% 2,295
elite_commando [OPIC] Banana Brigade
20,758 59% 2,291
Total: 672

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