Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 11, 2021; Accepted Teams: 498 (Total: 515)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 11, 2021
Average WN8: 1,271
Total: 498
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
34,923 50% 1,261
saihan [-G-B] gogo
67,923 50% 1,259
16,691 51% 1,256
pmstanker [CFS] cfs..
5,292 55% 1,243
VieuxSinge [FDDQC] Vieuxsinge
17,826 51% 1,229
kovg KOVG
33,846 52% 1,227
Rudum [KVERA] Luca
999 52% 1,227
RASGA_LATA [EX-BR] Chacon_forever
37,312 50% 1,226
tetengoenlamiralol [2M8TA] seee
37,271 52% 1,221
UltimateMcNasty Nasty
11,218 51% 1,213
Milton_Fons_ca [_300_] World of Noobs
13,908 50% 1,211
hereticYuliana [WICKD] 3ere
29,590 48% 1,209
Strongwolf Strongwolf
12,834 51% 1,209
Ibarra_Sanz [_SL_] -MEX-
6,525 48% 1,207
YrraH [UP-NA] (UP-NA)
26,145 49% 1,204
gigi20 [-CLN-] hunter killer
13,723 48% 1,202
WeWegamer [3-FPS] Loko
19,578 50% 1,191
IvanAndres94 [E-XL] Gr*ng*s me la chupan
27,275 49% 1,189
WarBrotheR_ [AUDIT] warzone
5,285 51% 1,188
Foxtrop_warrior [G_EX] Deltas
8,628 47% 1,187
_VULCAIN_ moii
89,288 49% 1,183
Nano_Fernan [B17] Bot2
28,314 49% 1,181
6,254 52% 1,179
Xlr8er [TANC] Accel
43,258 52% 1,179
27,651 49% 1,178
enuZi [ALAS] DiarreaMental
24,121 49% 1,178
CorporalPoopalot [-CCA-] lordp
2,281 48% 1,176
Mario_Mauricio [BNKRS] BUNKERS
16,330 49% 1,169
tomigale19 [OGT-S] totototo
42,825 50% 1,169
Reiden22Alcon Reiden22
13,262 50% 1,163
Vufer Deniska
17,865 52% 1,161
goodfunman [ALARI] A Team Flash
62,700 50% 1,161
Lead_Tick Lead-Tick
51,487 50% 1,158
Zoozy JustMe
17,219 51% 1,156
____________________2019 Abduzcan
5,966 43% 1,154
JuanPvP_1 [PANA] SoyNoob
6,693 48% 1,149
blabrface101 helpimstuckinWOTcode
15,418 49% 1,144
airdevilsinn [HAL-X] skulls
66,995 51% 1,140
tankitytanktank3 [BTU-A] ttt3
70,990 49% 1,139
Explorer_New_Tanks [E131] E131
4,315 49% 1,135
beree ElPerroVaca
18,014 48% 1,131
Ulisses1969 [LOKUS] Teste
17,917 46% 1,130
jojofelix [DHO-X] didiwinyet?
43,632 51% 1,130
lego_master2014 [J4GER] Old Goat
32,929 50% 1,127
Xxkrcm1xX [WE3D] Lcsc
14,311 50% 1,124
bro1332 [QC-ML] BroKill
21,888 50% 1,123
Sergio_Luiz_Rechetelo [_IN_] P3SHM3RG4
75,641 48% 1,123
mauro_hornus diegomaradona
36,475 49% 1,120
costaster_TheCK AT-4
54,755 49% 1,117
Volrath_XT Zydrak
1,198 46% 1,115
Total: 498

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