Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: July 03, 2020; Accepted Teams: 690 (Total: 718)
Map: Lakeville
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: July 03, 2020
Average WN8: 1,299
Total: 690
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
8_T_1 [DREAM] eat fish
13,895 59% 2,251
Wercho Meee
19,337 56% 2,245
Ferret10 [PCKLE] Monkey
19,489 55% 2,230
power_Donky [HAVOK] ebr nerf
29,424 55% 2,228
Tundra_Wookiez [4ORCE] PC_Police
29,725 55% 2,221
23,078 55% 2,210
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Perfidious Albion
56,256 55% 2,203
SimpIexity [DNGR] #BringBackAllChat
26,567 56% 2,201
GuiGrupenfuher [HUELA] vai q vai
2,265 54% 2,189
MarianoRojas [_M3_] Brazzers
36,948 56% 2,184
42,503 55% 2,183
A_Typical_Nerd [VILIN] --BYE ROUND--
10,407 54% 2,180
alipalange [PARS] War1
81,607 57% 2,176
Desthinus [_MIB_] Destinus
35,769 53% 2,173
themusgrat [MEGAA] DOS 9.1
30,882 57% 2,161
MiC_GoTaViRuS Yeet
56,330 56% 2,147
oliver_tumeke [-EV-] oliver
7,544 55% 2,133
Vitalik_Kraz Snake
70,355 56% 2,132
Blackiee [_2D2_] Anonymous
9,414 54% 2,116
warpagan_soldier91 [S-A-R] WARPAGAN TEAM
13,738 55% 2,102
BaconMuncher_ [THREW] gold digger 2
16,084 58% 2,096
Demonic671 [-G-] GUAMBOMB
19,386 55% 2,092
Leonidddd [WILDH] Spartannss
10,679 55% 2,087
23,042 53% 2,073
luisenrique_proo [STB1] TRUENO
23,410 56% 2,070
darrhub [DREAM] tree
14,226 56% 2,062
27,343 56% 2,052
blazertheknight10 [TFTF0] Blaze It Up
35,262 54% 2,049
2ndTanks_ [DNGR] No Name
124,781 54% 2,047
7siiver7 [YOKAI] qwer
19,787 55% 2,038
Triple_Cheese [OPIC] uwu kawaii tanku
24,754 53% 2,021
Destinyxd_ [X-7] pal gulag
13,681 54% 2,021
__KING_M4ST3R_T4CO_OP__ [X-7] Strike the K1NG
29,891 53% 2,019
__WarChild__ [OPIC] BourbonBreath
39,196 57% 2,019
__IMPERIUM___ [X-7] ___GG
10,053 55% 2,016
Daemonik [UFTS] Just a Bot!
57,477 54% 2,014
Lucifer_Morning_Star_183 [_TS] [PHD]
6,901 54% 2,009
ropitundo [R3ADY] solooooo
9,579 58% 2,008
crazyjoker_ [R-7] Superroot_?
44,686 54% 2,004
__Matt___ [CELTA] 999ms
29,251 53% 2,001
Captain_destroyer_2015 [OPIC] WhyYou-HESH-ToBeMad
16,940 55% 2,001
Senpai_Of_Compton [N0M0D] By Senpai
17,171 54% 1,982
LeeHokage [_2D2_] Gantz
25,291 55% 1,976
26,767 55% 1,975
boxmau [G0LDN] zeta
32,942 54% 1,974
Neighbody [BRAVE] lakes?
666 55% 1,971
evanfury130 QuantumRadio
21,388 54% 1,960
Destemido [RES3T] Good players ONLY
45,247 53% 1,959
64,479 55% 1,955
Fiel_A_EPICO_BR Loser
1,056 54% 1,952
Total: 690

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