Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 23, 2019; Accepted Teams: 648 (Total: 666)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 23, 2019
Average WN8: 1,312
Total: 648
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
ou8one [LMB] winner
31,454 46% 597
mauriciofd [C0BR4] mfd1
9,931 46% 594
eck013 [COWS-] Foxtrot 25
17,930 47% 587
Acnavila_058 [BBLD] IAT058
4,997 44% 587
Prezes [H_PL] Prezes
108,286 46% 586
Killstrain [MEGAA] Naked in my cellar..
17,921 46% 585
jeref22 [H-E-A] Jeref
3,957 46% 561
vilified_45 [SON5] vilified
8,636 46% 561
dopplerboy [TAP] Tornado
26,328 45% 558
Leandro_Pio [CPF] Guarani das Missões
25,185 47% 554
Loomis_29 Loomis
30,700 45% 539
The_4EigNer [IKU] SEX OverDose
18,553 45% 529
NAYCAN [FEBR] iron_horse
18,687 46% 523
CapGuanacito [THEFF] ACEC
8,876 46% 519
perrymaster [LOS22] perry uwu
2,864 45% 519
iAmJosuePapu [WE3D] Deadpool
14,423 45% 518
LED_zeppelin_porkus Porkuss
8,210 46% 513
red_eye NoBaD
88,054 47% 509
Quetzaltcoalt [ZSF] quetz team
8,929 45% 498
mrsireass Anal Gland
80,523 46% 492
basherbeast [TAC-D] Godzilla
31,655 45% 490
5,849 46% 483
tuaregue [ANACO] TUGLife
56,455 44% 478
esteban_359 [CB-MT] the killer
4,495 45% 472
Amilca_sousa [INFBR] Amilca
6,118 44% 470
vitor_benck [BABL] dxdx
466 41% 469
LEOBR22 [GOFD] leo tteam
65,310 45% 465
Tyson15 [M_M_E] wwe1
50,501 45% 464
mrob50 [ROLLS] Die2day?
35,268 43% 459
charliebraune [THEFF] maximos
16,348 45% 455
asaura [BABL] xASAURAx
1,401 46% 436
Stagereverend Stagereverend
16,754 46% 436
AlamoDaniel [-54-] AlamoDaniel
8,451 46% 420
AlephBax [MASK] AlephOne
37,329 45% 419
matacangry [UWS] Mancos al ataque
14,810 46% 409
Guerreiro_da_paz [BRCMD] Brcmd
27,896 44% 384
ironstopper1 [R_A_T] PANZER FUKER
12,413 44% 369
eugeniomedori [14K] Oro por Oro
12,217 45% 362
Cristian_David_Ramos [MAX-2] LOS ESPARTANOS
4,865 44% 347
call77 [-CLN-] freaky
42,271 44% 329
OLIMPO2018 [LEEX] olimpoba
9,460 44% 313
setemete [DOREK] poca soda
10,588 45% 303
audios_2018 [MICKS] Ya Dingbat
6,518 43% 292
38,684 45% 285
elcuervo1 red point
40,365 44% 260
jamesmartinez_2005 [TKB2] MEGAMATANZA2.10
20,988 45% 253
18,633 43% 158
HOLDEN_FRENCH win every round
0 0% 0
Total: 648

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