Weekday Warfare 6

Team Mackenzie Raiders

Gosu Maps  |   WG Team page
Winrate: 36%
Draws/Losses 64%
Games played: 33
Points Earned: 41 / 99 (41%)
Group Stage Rank


Monday February 08, 2016 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm -(O_O)-
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
06:40pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Strong & Free
06:50pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  RHAD 2.0
07:00pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 0
El Halluf
  los pecha pecha del ...
07:20pm Spartans
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
07:30pm Lost In Space
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
Tuesday February 09, 2016 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm Lost In Space
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
06:40pm ! cbl
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
06:50pm Paper Bags are not E...
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
07:00pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  KoS OmK mm
07:10pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mancos al combate Re...
07:20pm Mackenzie Raiders
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Cunning Linguists
Wednesday February 10, 2016 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm LETS GO
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
06:40pm Mancos OP
  0 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
06:50pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 0
El Halluf
  Strong & Free
07:00pm Mackenzie Raiders
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Concrete Life Preser...
07:10pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
07:20pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 0
El Halluf
07:30pm !We are noobs!
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
Thursday February 11, 2016 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm True North
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
06:40pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mad Trappers
06:50pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  The magnificent four...
07:00pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Equivalent Exchange
07:10pm Mackenzie Raiders
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  los pecha pecha del ...
07:20pm Tanks4Nothing
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
07:30pm KoS OmK mm
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
Friday February 12, 2016 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm Mackenzie Raiders
  0 : 0
El Halluf
  los pecha pecha del ...
06:40pm Mackenzie Raiders
  1 : 0
El Halluf
06:50pm RDLP Valor y templan...
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
07:00pm 3 BLIND MICE
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
07:10pm Gamers Ecuador o7
  0 : 1
El Halluf
  Mackenzie Raiders
07:20pm Mackenzie Raiders
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Renegados Argentos
07:30pm Mackenzie Raiders
  1 : 0
El Halluf
  Kool Kids Klub
Player WN8
jake1master [RAIDM]
WR: 47.94% of 8,876
lynix0 [RAIDM]
WR: 50.52% of 9,676
nixonite [RAIDM]
WR: 46.75% of 29,044
3 Players
Average WR: 48.40% of 15,865
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