The Grand Finals Countdown

Team Thomas The Tanker

Gosu Maps  |   WG Team page
Winrate: 2%
Draws/Losses 98%
Games played: 45
Points Earned: 4 / 135 (3%)
Group Stage Rank


Monday April 20, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:02pm shortbusspecial
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:15pm R.O.W.B
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:28pm [-FB-] Super Nash Br...
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:41pm !!! METRO !!!
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:54pm GetDunked
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:07pm No_Fochs_Given
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:20pm glock
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:33pm trihards
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:46pm mancos al poder
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
Tuesday April 21, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:03pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 4
  Bring Your Own Boxes
09:16pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 4
09:29pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 4
09:42pm The Mighty Three
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:55pm IMWAR
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:08pm Das Tank Friends
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:21pm Smoke3
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:34pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 4
10:47pm Thomas The Tanker
  1 : 5
  Regimiento Elite de ...
Wednesday April 22, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:12pm SGHQ1
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:25pm predateurs tankiste
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:38pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  Rusty's Recidivi...
09:51pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  tier 6 stats padders
10:04pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 4
10:17pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
10:30pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 6
  [BE] Underdogz
10:43pm loukman
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:56pm Wolf Pack Assassins
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
Thursday April 23, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:02pm CHKM8 Division 1
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:15pm Dirty superbads who ...
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:28pm Los amigos
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:41pm HAL_LOTA
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
09:54pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  Yeah, let's not ...
10:07pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 4
10:20pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 6
  [JL] - No Mames Manc...
10:33pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  Mort kicked me, so I...
10:46pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  Protect Us Based God
Friday April 24, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:00pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  The Top .001%
09:13pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  We Want The Funk
09:26pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 4
  Battlefield Brawlers
09:39pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 5
  Point Blank Gaming
09:52pm MuffinExecutioners
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:05pm Benevolent Thuggery
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:18pm RR13 - Countdown to ...
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:31pm Studliest Muffins
  1 : 5
  Thomas The Tanker
10:44pm Thomas The Tanker
  0 : 6
  [BE] The Forsaken
Player WN8
WR: 48.43% of 1,179
WR: 42.31% of 234
WR: 52.49% of 221
3 Players
Average WR: 47.74% of 545
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