The Grand Finals Countdown

Team The fire is our element

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Winrate: 18%
Draws/Losses 82%
Games played: 45
Points Earned: 25 / 135 (19%)
Group Stage Rank


Monday April 20, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:03pm teKam
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:16pm Black Cats
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:29pm the swamp
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:42pm tankers ink
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:55pm Get_The_TIP
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:08pm Armored Reapers Alph...
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:21pm Victory in Panzers 3
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:34pm IMBRA - ALFA
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:47pm Wulffepack [70]
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
Tuesday April 21, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:22pm Stone Stars
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:35pm Vanilla Gorilla KOK
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:48pm what team
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:01pm La French
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:14pm ~!Meowzors!~
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:27pm tanks
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:40pm Tank à l'huile
  0 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:53pm AllahAkbar!
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
Wednesday April 22, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:07pm Hubabubristakingpola...
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:20pm Belligerence is Blis...
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:33pm ze FOXEY Ladies
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:46pm DD Division 64
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:59pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
  El PaKeT
10:12pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
  Devil Dogs
10:25pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 5
10:38pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
  Los Rojitos de la Fi...
10:51pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 5
Thursday April 23, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:03pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
09:16pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
  Inglourious Basterds
09:29pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
09:42pm Grand-Khan
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:55pm Reported for Reporti...
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:08pm CHORIPAN 1
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:21pm Red Sky
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:34pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
10:47pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 5
  The Russian Kids and...
Friday April 24, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:04pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 5
  ThugLife Eagle Wolfp...
09:17pm Motley Crew
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:43pm R4k1
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
09:56pm LIGS
  1 : 5
  The fire is our elem...
10:09pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 5
10:22pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 5
10:35pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 4
10:48pm The fire is our elem...
  0 : 5
  Something Something ...
Player WN8
lobanow [E_I]
WR: 52.88% of 20,348
bishkek78 [RUS-2]
WR: 55.33% of 18,895
WR: 54.35% of 33,487
Zcar [E_I]
WR: 50.48% of 20,116
4 Players
Average WR: 53.26% of 23,212
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