The Grand Finals Countdown

Team The Bananas To The Wall Hosts

Gosu Maps  |   WG Team page
Winrate: 64%
Draws/Losses 36%
Games played: 45
Points Earned: 89 / 135 (66%)
Group Stage Rank


Monday April 20, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:06pm OMG12345
  1 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:19pm BHK
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:32pm Win Or Die Tryin
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:45pm -SAS-
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:58pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 5
  Tie Breakers
10:11pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 5
  The Real Crazy Loco ...
10:24pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 4
10:37pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 4
  Charlie Foxtrot
10:50pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 4
  Gumby Express
Tuesday April 21, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:06pm Scorched Earth
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:19pm Poor fellows
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:32pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 4
09:45pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 4
  Cruiser Aurora
09:58pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 5
  Thug me softly...
10:11pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 4
10:24pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 5
  Total Oblivian Alp...
10:37pm !!![RELIC]THE SHREKO...
  1 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
10:50pm Sturm city rollers
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
Wednesday April 22, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:01pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 5
  No Fks Gaming
09:14pm Rus2Hardware
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:27pm Only 1% receive the ...
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:40pm Mooselots
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:53pm reyes desoladores
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
10:06pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 5
  The Mericans
10:19pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 5
10:32pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 4
  Gooey and the Funsee...
10:45pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 4
Thursday April 23, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:04pm [-UV-] Uncharted Mid...
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:17pm RDTT2.0
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:30pm AmishBrigade
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:43pm Team HammerDown
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
09:56pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 5
10:09pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 4
10:22pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 5
10:35pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 4
  Future Gadget Labora...
10:48pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 5
Friday April 24, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:02pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 5
  Pwn Rangers
09:15pm The Bananas To The W...
  1 : 6
09:28pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 4
  Blue Rerolls Only
09:41pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 5
  The Veterans
09:54pm equipo pulento
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
10:07pm XERO Skill
  1 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
10:20pm Purple Amoebas
  1 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
10:33pm DHO6S
  0 : 5
  The Bananas To The W...
10:46pm The Bananas To The W...
  0 : 4
  -XBK Team One
Player WN8
StreaksOfBlueSparks [AM0K]
WR: 55.51% of 735
MegaMaxs [FELIX]
WR: 58.97% of 14,331
Disanthrophobia [HDC]
WR: 56.01% of 8,670
Broyhill [ANVIL]
WR: 49.96% of 9,981
oO_Hassan_Oo [-S-A]
WR: 47.48% of 8,020
5 Players
Average WR: 53.59% of 8,347
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