The Grand Finals Countdown

Team Pajseri BG

Gosu Maps  |   WG Team page
Winrate: 33%
Draws/Losses 67%
Games played: 45
Points Earned: 45 / 135 (33%)
Group Stage Rank


Monday April 20, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:11pm Let's get BAKED
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:24pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
09:37pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
  A team
09:50pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 6
  ∞ Soldiers of the ...
10:03pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 5
10:16pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
  CIA-United Tankers
10:29pm Tanqc
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:42pm Area 51
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:55pm WoV Wildeyes
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
Tuesday April 21, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:08pm equipo pulento
  0 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:21pm Team ADC
  0 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:34pm Apex
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:47pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
10:00pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
10:13pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 5
  Victory in Panzers 3
10:26pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
  Fuerzas aliadas
10:39pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 4
  3 Bros
10:52pm =VX9= Thunder Tanker...
  0 : 5
  Pajseri BG
Wednesday April 22, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:05pm if_ur_reading_this_i...
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:18pm 4HOTA
  0 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:31pm HAL Iron Horse
  0 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:44pm Obsidian Vanguard
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:57pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 5
  UFTS Just Gaming Thr...
10:10pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 4
  ACE of Spuds Alpha
10:23pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 4
10:36pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
10:49pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
  ! North Zpawn Worzt ...
Thursday April 23, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:03pm ping999
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
09:16pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 5
  Window Lickerz
09:29pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
  H3AT 1
09:42pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
  I Love Lamp
09:55pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 4
  Awful Panzers
10:08pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 5
10:21pm Too Many Cooks
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:34pm PZMAF
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:47pm IM IN LOVE WHIT DA C...
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
Friday April 24, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:12pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 5
  Pathetic Gaming
09:25pm Pajseri BG
  1 : 5
  The Demon Hunters
09:38pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
  Bacon Strips
09:51pm Oh
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:04pm los primos
  0 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:17pm saVaGeZ
  1 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:30pm CO-OP
  0 : 5
  Pajseri BG
10:43pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 5
10:56pm Pajseri BG
  0 : 4
Player WN8
Dimicv75 [SRB]
WR: 48.26% of 6,055
aleksalelesa [SRB]
WR: 48.48% of 10,374
Neman91 [SRB]
WR: 49.17% of 3,872
3 Players
Average WR: 48.64% of 6,767
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