
Tier 9 czech lightTank
WN8 Expected Values:
Frags: 0
Damage: 0
Spotted: 0
Defence: 0
Winrate: 0%
Tier 9 czech lightTank
Actual Server Values:
Frags: 0.51
Damage: 802.45
Spotted: 1.88
Defence: N/A
Winrate: 46.57%
Survival Rate: 0.01%
Players Stats:
Total Players: 398
WN8: 1,592.72
Recent WN8: 1,715.24
Winrate: 51.95%
* Total stats from all players who played this tank

Top 10 Players - Avrg Frags (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Frags
1 JoshuaM07 [GGNKR] 150 1.35
2 waikin_reppinKL [GIVUP] 127 1.33
3 Shidare_Hotaru [NAISU] 150 1.19
4 Fuego_ [OMIT] 111 1.18
5 Marrowll [XANAX] 117 1.07
6 amazingmg [JGRN] 325 0.96
7 Sir_Tyler34 [I_AM1] 116 0.94
8 Adderall_SZN [FROGY] 105 0.81
9 Scylus 115 0.77
10 NforcerOH 119 0.59
?Login with WG ID to see your position
19 Equalknought [-A1D] 178 0.16

Top 10 Players - Avrg Damage (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Damage
1 waikin_reppinKL [GIVUP] 127 2,060.91
2 Fuego_ [OMIT] 111 1,833.35
3 Marrowll [XANAX] 117 1,829.85
4 Shidare_Hotaru [NAISU] 150 1,700.57
5 JoshuaM07 [GGNKR] 150 1,625.53
6 amazingmg [JGRN] 325 1,231.41
7 Sir_Tyler34 [I_AM1] 116 1,189.34
8 Adderall_SZN [FROGY] 105 1,160.50
9 Scylus 115 1,016.97
10 Hippowolf [BOWSR] 121 961.44
?Login with WG ID to see your position
19 Equalknought [-A1D] 178 233.35

Top 10 Players - Wins (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Winrate
1 waikin_reppinKL [GIVUP] 127 64.57%
2 Shidare_Hotaru [NAISU] 150 62.00%
3 Marrowll [XANAX] 117 59.83%
4 NforcerOH 119 57.14%
5 JoshuaM07 [GGNKR] 150 56.67%
6 Cpt_Spook [PYRMD] 127 55.91%
7 Adderall_SZN [FROGY] 105 55.24%
8 Fuego_ [OMIT] 111 53.15%
9 amazingmg [JGRN] 325 51.38%
10 Scylus 115 51.30%
?Login with WG ID to see your position
19 rapid_dragon [BOND] 101 38.61%

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