UDES 03 3    

Tier 9 sweden mediumTank
WN8 Expected Values:
Frags: 0
Damage: 0
Spotted: 0
Defence: 0
Winrate: 0%
Tier 9 sweden mediumTank
Actual Server Values:
Frags: 1.01
Damage: 1,769.06
Spotted: 1.01
Defence: N/A
Winrate: 50.82%
Survival Rate: 0.03%
Players Stats:
Total Players: 1,324
WN8: 1,558.59
Recent WN8: 1,678.13
Winrate: 52.11%
* Total stats from all players who played this tank

Top 10 Players - Avrg Frags (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Frags
1 Dika_SeS [WOAH] 126 2.17
2 Kumamon_TW [LYB] 229 1.91
3 DR_Speedy [GO4T] 122 1.89
4 Red_ID0049 [IVORY] 154 1.84
5 Fuego_ [OMIT] 133 1.80
6 Little_berry [GO4T] 252 1.65
7 Noonly2 [LYSA] 175 1.65
8 singidunum [LYB] 214 1.64
9 Silver__Ghost [KOZAK] 111 1.61
10 General_Will [-PHD-] 139 1.60
?Login with WG ID to see your position
87 Junjomx [MX] 224 0.37

Top 10 Players - Avrg Damage (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Damage
1 Dika_SeS [WOAH] 126 3,720.21
2 Silver__Ghost [KOZAK] 111 3,429.84
3 Fuego_ [OMIT] 133 3,391.39
4 Red_ID0049 [IVORY] 154 3,232.84
5 Little_berry [GO4T] 252 3,158.34
6 Noonly2 [LYSA] 175 3,158.24
7 DR_Speedy [GO4T] 122 3,111.78
8 dr_ice [GO4T] 130 3,038.45
9 singidunum [LYB] 214 2,866.83
10 Kumamon_TW [LYB] 229 2,863.83
?Login with WG ID to see your position
87 Junjomx [MX] 224 900.14

Top 10 Players - Wins (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Winrate
1 DR_Speedy [GO4T] 122 68.03%
2 Kumamon_TW [LYB] 229 67.69%
3 Silver__Ghost [KOZAK] 111 67.57%
4 Dika_SeS [WOAH] 126 66.67%
5 _M3M3_M3SH3N_ [4ORCE] 119 65.55%
6 Noonly2 [LYSA] 175 65.14%
7 TokeandTank [SIGH] 229 64.63%
8 JuannySinz [JUAN] 149 64.43%
9 Gaiatu [GO4T] 109 64.22%
10 BenzkillerRiccardo [4ORCE] 321 63.55%
?Login with WG ID to see your position
87 La_legende_QC [RRQC] 128 42.19%

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