M 41 90 GF    

Tier 8 germany lightTank
WN8 Expected Values:
Frags: 0.646
Damage: 849.312
Spotted: 2.508
Defence: 0.599
Winrate: 51.135%
Tier 8 germany lightTank
Actual Server Values:
Frags: 0.47
Damage: 668.10
Spotted: 2.02
Defence: N/A
Winrate: 48.20%
Survival Rate: 0.06%
Players Stats:
Total Players: 38,001
WN8: 1,160.04
Recent WN8: 1,373.37
Winrate: 45.87%
* Total stats from all players who played this tank

Top 10 Players - Avrg Frags (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Frags
1 BIG_GUNS_06 [GROOT] 677 1.88
2 SmyleeRage [CRAKD] 300 1.85
3 AT_GX [FAME_] 211 1.75
4 Muscles1_CLLEGEND [CRAKD] 173 1.73
5 furiousmack [NUFFS] 116 1.70
6 Th3Duke17 207 1.66
7 D3fector 293 1.65
8 RemiliaxYuyuko [-MOE-] 111 1.63
9 Kr1spyiCe [HICKD] 339 1.60
?Login with WG ID to see your position
8,983 EDD2099 103 0.02

Top 10 Players - Avrg Damage (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Damage
1 AT_GX [FAME_] 211 2,291.76
2 SchnitzelTruck 209 2,219.23
3 SmyleeRage [CRAKD] 300 2,151.28
4 Muscles1_CLLEGEND [CRAKD] 173 2,149.66
5 furiousmack [NUFFS] 116 2,136.99
6 OBER [GO4T] 179 2,121.27
7 BIG_GUNS_06 [GROOT] 677 2,092.07
8 NineInchNails 381 2,090.32
9 ProfessorMunroe 190 2,004.39
10 BilboSwaggins 526 2,000.82
?Login with WG ID to see your position
8,983 OzawaMaria [PUCHN] 542 59.43

Top 10 Players - Wins (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Winrate
1 eric6129 [NEWBI] 172 77.91%
2 GotchMaster 270 77.78%
3 Wallhacks [CRAKD] 106 75.47%
4 OtterSockPuppet [GO4T] 105 73.33%
5 Bodywyc [NERV] 216 70.83%
6 Muscles1_CLLEGEND [CRAKD] 173 70.52%
7 ___GaMeOvEr___ 158 70.25%
8 Silver_ReBangBang_NiHao 131 70.23%
9 Batlin [AUTRK] 236 69.92%
10 Soccerzilla 136 69.85%
?Login with WG ID to see your position
8,983 OzawaMaria [PUCHN] 542 19.37%

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