
Tier 3 germany SPG
WN8 Expected Values:
Frags: 1.169
Damage: 344.716
Spotted: 0.173
Defence: 1.317
Winrate: 57.716%
Tier 3 germany SPG
Actual Server Values:
Frags: 0.52
Damage: 142.45
Spotted: 0.12
Defence: N/A
Winrate: 48.53%
Survival Rate: 0.03%
Players Stats:
Total Players: 35,762
WN8: 1,061.29
Recent WN8: 1,349.22
Winrate: 44.66%
* Total stats from all players who played this tank

Top 10 Players - Avrg Frags (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Frags
1 stinkopants 270 2.43
2 Katukov [OTTER] 197 2.15
3 suffix37 [PAT_4] 295 1.86
5 CHR157IAN_ALPHA [RVN-G] 205 1.83
6 gmlwls625 [CHOCO] 1000 1.82
7 matrrix [HACK1] 538 1.78
8 fumren [RNSTR] 186 1.77
9 GeneralxQuarters 159 1.76
10 Suche [ANVIL] 120 1.76
?Login with WG ID to see your position
663 nekrosystem [EARCT] 121 0.09

Top 10 Players - Avrg Damage (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Damage
1 AutismSpeaks [ASU] 118 795.45
2 aLarge2 155 729.63
3 kufo [CAZA] 275 612.87
4 matrrix [HACK1] 538 606.77
5 seshet [AOG2] 365 602.82
6 predatorx21 [VALU] 164 575.01
7 stinkopants 270 563.27
8 Katukov [OTTER] 197 545.86
9 Logos [FNL] 150 507.25
10 Eduardo137 258 504.92
?Login with WG ID to see your position
663 JoshuasTank 142 18.31

Top 10 Players - Wins (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Winrate
1 aLarge2 155 80.65%
2 coronicus 291 78.35%
3 JohannRommel [BLM] 175 78.29%
4 Minoshow [MINO] 483 75.36%
5 _WebcheF_ 109 75.23%
6 BaaadMambajamba 613 74.06%
7 GodEmperorMillard 106 72.64%
8 AutismSpeaks [ASU] 118 72.03%
9 HazeCurtis [BE] 112 71.43%
10 PoShYbRiD [POSHY] 250 70.00%
?Login with WG ID to see your position
663 legend_forever_warrior [BULB2] 140 34.29%

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