
Tier 2 france lightTank
WN8 Expected Values:
Frags: 1.387
Damage: 234.246
Spotted: 1.057
Defence: 1.985
Winrate: 58.623%
Tier 2 france lightTank
Actual Server Values:
Frags: 0.76
Damage: 133.09
Spotted: 0.66
Defence: N/A
Winrate: 52.11%
Survival Rate: 0.03%
Players Stats:
Total Players: 53,467
WN8: 1,055.81
Recent WN8: 1,364.23
Winrate: 44.72%
* Total stats from all players who played this tank

Top 10 Players - Avrg Frags (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Frags
1 64bigE [BOWSR] 102 3.85
2 Grabowski_Yuri 590 3.85
3 thor316 592 3.80
4 Kialexander 106 3.58
5 Place_Holder_CAD [TRIB4] 124 3.54
6 Draschel 150 3.43
7 rustyJunk [CAPAC] 115 3.43
8 _Popollo_ 693 3.41
9 KHOEHT [RNGS] 220 3.40
10 sebitapincha [RDTT2] 162 3.35
?Login with WG ID to see your position
1,284 tsord [NATAC] 250 0.12

Top 10 Players - Avrg Damage (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Damage
1 Grabowski_Yuri 590 1,180.89
2 Place_Holder_CAD [TRIB4] 124 1,060.38
3 Kialexander 106 1,035.92
4 KHOEHT [RNGS] 220 1,014.58
5 rustyJunk [CAPAC] 115 999.34
6 IXWarningXI 106 998.90
7 sebitapincha [RDTT2] 162 978.90
8 Bruce_Wayne12 229 943.65
9 Sandro_Lee [RN158] 580 932.80
10 Draschel 150 931.09
?Login with WG ID to see your position
1,284 maidenrob 4752 25.39

Top 10 Players - Wins (over 100 battles)

Player Battles Avrg Winrate
1 Place_Holder_CAD [TRIB4] 124 84.68%
2 Grabowski_Yuri 590 82.54%
3 thor316 592 82.09%
4 Schnitzengruben16 266 80.45%
5 Cid871 [-ES-] 350 80.29%
6 Draschel 150 80.00%
7 esir [BLOE] 537 79.33%
8 W_I_N_D_E_X [IFM] 115 79.13%
9 Kuroyukihime_Sempai 489 78.53%
10 GWnmDanTheMan [COMAF] 138 78.26%
?Login with WG ID to see your position
1,284 DopeyJack 101 35.64%

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