Alley of Fame

Event: The Third Stage
Players: 17
Updated: August 20, 2024 @ 5:21 pm
Total: 17
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Rank Nick Name Fame points Battles rewards
132 diegoduty25 [_-A-_] 21,489 0 camouflages
1,614 Oliviery [DUTY] 10,890 184 camouflages
1,694 Makkathran [DUTY] 10,757 195 camouflages
2,109 scramasax [DUTY] 9,811 195 camouflages
2,181 Blasterqc [DUTY] 9,567 196 camouflages
2,328 Killdance [DUTY] 8,740 163 camouflages
6,773 BOB_001 [DUTY] 477 11
7,607 CallOfDutyTankZz [-NHL-] 322 12
7,987 Krakenn1 [DUTY] 270 5
8,255 nic1801 [DUTY] 238 7
8,364 uly [DUTY] 227 6
9,215 Fisher30 [DUTY] 157 4
10,406 fredericbegin [DUTY] 89 3
11,444 God4Master [DUTY] 60 2
11,830 Cowboylord [DUTY] 34 1
11,837 Mrs_Pain [DUTY] 34 1
13,087 spartanFTW [DUTY] 10 1
Total: 17
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