World of Tanks Players Stats

Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles
Total: 81,751
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
erikred [A-L-V] 33,093 51% 1,328 47% 163 September 07, 2024 @ 3:19 pm
firefoxlockedon 30,433 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 August 16, 2018 @ 11:01 pm
Corpustroni 11,925 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 July 24, 2022 @ 11:20 am
nicke985 [CLASZ] 17,460 52% 1,328 52% 1,328 July 10, 2024 @ 9:42 pm
augielax56 12,956 52% 1,328 50% 1,374 June 09, 2022 @ 2:02 am
WaraPig [L13TH] 21,390 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 May 26, 2024 @ 5:17 pm
CanadianAnthrax 14,283 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 November 25, 2023 @ 6:41 pm
jushu32 [OOSY] 11,800 50% 1,328 50% 1,328 September 27, 2024 @ 1:08 am
Asuna_Yuukii 38,112 50% 1,328 50% 1,328 June 28, 2024 @ 8:56 pm
jetx604 [EBON] 12,295 49% 1,328 49% 1,328 September 08, 2020 @ 1:15 am
Sneaky_Four_Three 16,013 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 May 06, 2019 @ 10:32 pm
Hostilejim [XILES] 28,126 50% 1,328 50% 1,328 September 17, 2021 @ 9:33 pm
Sunchiphop 21,422 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 June 22, 2021 @ 11:07 pm
xiDanielix 22,286 50% 1,328 50% 1,328 July 12, 2020 @ 2:15 pm
jocarot [-LCC-] 31,768 50% 1,328 50% 1,306 May 05, 2024 @ 3:59 pm
psykoblade808 [ICBMT] 25,657 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 December 24, 2023 @ 2:55 am
Kilroy_146 38,228 53% 1,328 53% 1,566 March 01, 2023 @ 7:40 pm
Pondmand [ROOK] 21,212 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 June 02, 2022 @ 7:49 pm
luis113 33,153 50% 1,328 50% 1,328 April 21, 2023 @ 2:05 am
WarRider [PZB] 18,707 52% 1,328 52% 1,328 May 14, 2022 @ 1:11 am
knyazIgor [FRI] 25,969 52% 1,328 52% 1,328 December 26, 2023 @ 1:49 pm
J3FF3RY [-TAC1] 18,265 52% 1,328 54% 1,758 September 11, 2024 @ 9:58 am
ImAngelic 8,977 49% 1,328 49% 1,328 January 15, 2024 @ 12:02 am
bigbird19 45,806 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 May 30, 2023 @ 3:30 pm
M3sterChi3f 6,135 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 November 06, 2017 @ 7:05 pm
TopsyKryts [IFM] 11,555 49% 1,328 58% 1,365 September 15, 2024 @ 11:12 pm
LOLIAM2FUNNY 12,686 51% 1,328 55% 1,518 March 09, 2024 @ 9:04 pm
Archeronv1 16,079 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 November 11, 2019 @ 7:04 pm
John_Cena_2016 12,048 50% 1,328 50% 1,328 August 27, 2024 @ 11:15 am
Put_The_Bean_In_My_Mouth [FEZ] 10,846 52% 1,328 52% 1,328 March 18, 2024 @ 9:23 pm
Krapp [F-A-T] 21,178 52% 1,328 52% 1,328 February 24, 2024 @ 9:17 am
N1006707 [HOI] 69,655 49% 1,328 49% 2,759 August 31, 2024 @ 10:06 am
CCGN [TRY] 14,964 51% 1,328 51% 1,328 September 14, 2024 @ 11:10 pm
Pichardo2033 [LICS_] 19,220 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 January 17, 2023 @ 9:37 pm
Skramjet 14,240 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 November 21, 2017 @ 10:04 pm
67Punisher [CBRO3] 48,755 49% 1,327 51% 1,444 September 06, 2024 @ 6:21 pm
_B4RT_SIMPSON_ 21,503 49% 1,327 49% 1,327 March 13, 2024 @ 10:04 pm
Jaegerfeuer 30,247 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 August 23, 2019 @ 12:39 am
Milkmansting [FLTHY] 69,934 52% 1,327 55% 2,047 September 19, 2024 @ 4:15 pm
ACMESHELLSINC 22,073 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 July 13, 2020 @ 3:19 pm
tankbuster14karan 8,315 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 September 17, 2017 @ 3:04 pm
_Tazz_ [CDN-T] 43,591 52% 1,327 52% 1,327 April 07, 2024 @ 4:58 pm
1TwistedTrucker [CLASZ] 80,814 50% 1,327 49% 166 September 01, 2024 @ 1:02 am
boarder664 [NARWL] 23,120 53% 1,327 53% 1,327 September 23, 2024 @ 8:33 pm
DwellingBoar 22,432 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 December 03, 2023 @ 7:23 pm
panoramix73 [RABID] 58,876 50% 1,327 50% 1,312 September 24, 2024 @ 12:45 pm
tigoso [IMBRA] 27,020 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 September 12, 2024 @ 8:33 pm
Kj3d [REBEL] 12,531 50% 1,327 50% 1,327 September 23, 2024 @ 12:13 am
sappergod [SKULH] 13,897 48% 1,327 48% 1,327 July 31, 2023 @ 1:21 am
Winterx [11GD] 72,035 52% 1,327 52% 1,327 August 25, 2024 @ 12:44 pm
Total: 81,751

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