World of Tanks Players Stats

Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles
Total: 77,104
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
codemanx 7,069 44% 396 37% 323 October 11, 2023 @ 10:27 pm
ktownrocker [SQURL] 18,990 46% 396 46% 396 May 05, 2024 @ 10:19 pm
dodge34 [H2OW] 6,755 45% 396 45% 396 May 30, 2018 @ 6:57 pm
ACH343 [6INCH] 5,564 47% 396 47% 396 November 29, 2023 @ 9:58 am
idiotizador7 6,291 46% 396 46% 396 October 21, 2018 @ 10:00 pm
GENERALFORTE [XBLAU] 35,819 44% 396 44% 396 October 20, 2023 @ 5:44 pm
Narble_for_utis [LAZD] 9,100 44% 396 44% 396 April 01, 2024 @ 10:21 am
XxRAYASxX 5,339 48% 396 48% 396 May 26, 2021 @ 1:42 am
battlepirates 5,840 47% 396 47% 396 December 24, 2023 @ 7:34 pm
Henry__1 [2KEY] 15,606 44% 396 44% 396 October 16, 2022 @ 11:18 pm
alicito 6,961 44% 396 44% 396 January 18, 2023 @ 1:26 pm
rogelin [TOYS] 29,399 47% 396 48% 912 June 21, 2024 @ 5:02 pm
jdmoates1231 [P-W1] 16,590 47% 396 43% 363 June 26, 2024 @ 5:07 pm
dabeave92 [_WMD_] 8,443 47% 396 47% 396 September 04, 2022 @ 11:35 pm
HulkChoke [B-T-G] 20,015 44% 396 44% 3 May 06, 2024 @ 8:38 pm
Griff0n_21 5,631 45% 395 45% 395 January 07, 2024 @ 7:07 pm
warmachine67 29,348 45% 395 45% 482 January 18, 2024 @ 9:39 pm
TomTom999 [SKMZ] 54,971 44% 395 42% 556 May 13, 2024 @ 4:52 am
CAZADOR23XD [LLN] 5,734 46% 395 46% 395 November 12, 2023 @ 4:41 pm
ShellBound_50 [17] 7,725 44% 395 45% 311 May 25, 2024 @ 4:21 am
45Hawk 40,766 46% 395 46% 395 September 16, 2020 @ 8:42 am
Thumper2510 6,223 47% 395 47% 395 March 01, 2024 @ 9:22 pm
Boogaloo95 [BHA] 8,765 45% 395 46% 354 June 22, 2024 @ 11:20 pm
Leinad0089 6,356 47% 395 46% 484 November 15, 2022 @ 2:02 pm
marine19701976 [GTTDS] 18,423 44% 395 44% 395 May 13, 2017 @ 12:49 am
RainnieDayZe [FRITZ] 10,282 44% 395 44% 395 February 24, 2021 @ 4:09 pm
AlphaRam 10,865 43% 395 43% 395 April 02, 2020 @ 1:29 am
Tuke42 35,789 46% 395 46% 395 March 08, 2023 @ 11:53 pm
RIPspotted 9,286 44% 394 44% 394 February 18, 2024 @ 8:52 pm
Mardock_S 13,425 44% 394 44% 394 April 08, 2020 @ 12:23 pm
AvengerAlex [MIDTR] 7,634 44% 394 44% 1,409 April 20, 2024 @ 3:02 am
barrymon 5,864 47% 394 47% 394 June 20, 2018 @ 9:03 pm
Ix_Chel [D_B_D] 25,822 45% 394 45% 394 December 23, 2023 @ 12:12 am
Morrocoy_con_pistola [EFE] 9,512 45% 394 45% 394 May 13, 2024 @ 8:56 pm
omar378 5,843 46% 394 46% 394 December 08, 2015 @ 7:44 pm
maxw007 47,099 46% 394 46% 394 October 18, 2017 @ 1:20 pm
mkmkm [_UY_] 16,039 45% 394 45% 394 June 22, 2024 @ 3:36 pm
BarryD1 [LXG] 6,180 48% 394 48% 394 August 18, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Commander_Warlock [395] 19,557 41% 394 41% 394 January 31, 2024 @ 7:20 pm
caveira_gunner 6,717 46% 394 46% 394 July 10, 2016 @ 11:01 pm
critux 10,638 45% 394 45% 394 September 06, 2019 @ 11:47 pm
CTM3509 [PYRMD] 24,691 44% 394 44% 394 March 31, 2024 @ 9:37 pm
1_Nut_Case 11,197 46% 394 46% 394 February 03, 2018 @ 8:22 am
sparta_ghost [-OGT] 11,879 46% 393 46% 393 May 17, 2021 @ 2:25 pm
IamElectro [SFDD] 13,977 45% 393 45% 393 December 27, 2023 @ 12:26 am
master_bogart 16,520 43% 393 43% 393 September 02, 2019 @ 12:04 am
MB58 9,779 46% 393 46% 393 August 05, 2016 @ 11:56 pm
1Zeon631 [9O7] 62,629 47% 393 47% 393 March 01, 2021 @ 3:50 am
leonardo02 8,625 47% 393 47% 393 September 30, 2016 @ 7:05 pm
Skinmeek 8,489 45% 393 45% 393 February 01, 2019 @ 5:48 pm
Total: 77,104

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