Players zZz_Queen_Alexia_zZz [X-RAY]    

WG player page
Updated: September 16, 2024 Update
Battles 395 40 40
Win Rate 49.37% 40.00% 40.00%
WG Rating 3,943
Forum Signature Account Created: November 19, 2020 @ 1:07 am   |   Last Battle: September 16, 2024 @ 3:35 pm
 Clans History:
 Nick History:


Tier Damage Winrate Battles
10 0 0% 0 00000
9 0 0% 0 00000
8 0 0% 0 00000
7 0 0% 0 00000
6 0 0% 0 00000
5 0 0% 0 00000
4 0 0% 0 00000
3 0 0% 0 00000
2 0 0% 0 00000
1 0 0% 0 00000
Stats Total Avg
Tanks 0
Battles: 0
Survival: 0 0.00%
XP: 0 0.00
Total Damage: 0 0.00
Total Frags: 0 0.00
Total Shots: 0 0.00
Damage Received: 0 0.00
Capture Points: 0 0.00
Defence Points: 0 0.00

Players Tanks: 0 All Tanks   |   Recent Tanks   
Gold cost of prem vehicles: 0
USD Value: $0.00

Creadits spent on regular vhicles: 0
Credits to gold: 0

Total Gold: 0
Total USD: $0.00

1 gold = 400 credits | 250 gold =$1.00 USD
(This feature is in testing so might not be accurate)

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