Mriya Statistics [MRIYA]

WG clan page
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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 9
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
morbik [MRIYA] 4,370 56% 2,235 57% 1,610 November 10, 2023 @ 8:43 pm
melismavision [MRIYA] 5,023 55% 1,817 58% 2,053 May 29, 2024 @ 4:49 am
fateman30 [MRIYA] 35,499 51% 1,313 52% 1,146 July 25, 2024 @ 4:22 pm
POSTILIT [MRIYA] 7,278 49% 1,076 50% 995 May 12, 2024 @ 2:36 pm
Forklift0perator [MRIYA] 2,351 50% 1,018 51% 1,211 May 07, 2024 @ 3:26 am
Galaxy_39367146398257697 [MRIYA] 17,993 48% 1,006 49% 1,829 July 19, 2024 @ 4:01 am
Lordav1d123 [MRIYA] 8,663 47% 891 47% 891 March 30, 2024 @ 3:28 pm
Chaldy96 [MRIYA] 9,642 47% 865 49% 686 May 28, 2024 @ 12:30 am
McLumbre [MRIYA] 6,952 46% 624 46% 624 June 23, 2024 @ 4:30 pm
Total: 9

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