IX Ghost Division Statistics [IXGD]

WG clan page
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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 11
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
_bishop_x [IXGD] 59,190 51% 1,263 50% 1,167 July 21, 2024 @ 4:47 pm
Darkness1967 [IXGD] 50,221 50% 1,090 48% 548 July 09, 2024 @ 11:12 pm
krasea [IXGD] 58,874 49% 1,003 49% 698 July 23, 2024 @ 12:18 am
Khodkoshi [IXGD] 29,154 49% 991 48% 818 March 11, 2024 @ 1:02 am
WubWub [IXGD] 10,368 48% 973 48% 973 April 13, 2024 @ 10:28 am
cas0161 [IXGD] 43,106 48% 807 42% 465 May 02, 2024 @ 6:49 pm
viper700 [IXGD] 113,801 47% 749 45% 889 July 25, 2024 @ 6:14 pm
CLINKCAN [IXGD] 25,562 46% 717 46% 717 July 08, 2024 @ 8:52 pm
axeman9 [IXGD] 33,015 46% 639 45% 34 June 10, 2024 @ 9:39 pm
pumper9 [IXGD] 44,294 45% 600 43% 435 July 16, 2024 @ 9:15 pm
lost_army [IXGD] 5,011 47% 355 47% 355 June 29, 2024 @ 7:17 am
Total: 11

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