Bataillon Blindé International Statistics [BBI]

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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 27
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
SirCastik [BBI] 33,353 51% 1,586 53% 2,897 July 23, 2024 @ 3:19 pm
camaropat [BBI] 48,403 51% 1,527 51% 1,527 June 14, 2024 @ 9:14 pm
philippe [BBI] 24,971 52% 1,474 54% 1,371 June 17, 2024 @ 8:08 pm
Bennix [BBI] 97,864 51% 1,432 48% 1,397 July 22, 2024 @ 12:31 am
troistizommes [BBI] 19,923 50% 1,306 53% 2,274 July 06, 2024 @ 6:28 pm
MAD_KD [BBI] 17,923 50% 1,231 50% 1,231 August 29, 2022 @ 1:44 pm
frankthetank258 [BBI] 26,952 49% 1,189 51% 1,320 May 24, 2024 @ 10:41 am
HaVoK_369 [BBI] 19,760 51% 1,121 51% 1,121 May 25, 2024 @ 10:41 am
shadowsniper_2014 [BBI] 17,048 49% 1,073 49% 1,073 July 14, 2024 @ 7:48 pm
pat1975 [BBI] 89,703 48% 1,028 48% 1,028 March 04, 2022 @ 9:18 pm
NovmbrOctberOctberBravo [BBI] 17,496 49% 1,014 49% 1,014 July 16, 2024 @ 9:12 pm
grogradur [BBI] 56,861 48% 925 46% 395 July 24, 2024 @ 7:24 am
fou_1 [BBI] 30,697 48% 925 48% 925 July 24, 2024 @ 8:21 pm
ElectricOut [BBI] 36,655 49% 893 49% 552 July 14, 2024 @ 1:16 am
Gaawin [BBI] 26,085 44% 883 45% 826 July 25, 2024 @ 11:04 pm
Tankrush_1 [BBI] 5,303 48% 847 48% 847 March 30, 2024 @ 2:54 pm
FOUBAR [BBI] 40,366 48% 817 50% 380 June 17, 2024 @ 12:57 am
laurent102 [BBI] 12,666 48% 802 48% 802 January 10, 2024 @ 7:33 pm
joe97354 [BBI] 13,406 45% 718 45% 718 March 24, 2024 @ 10:23 am
Marco241 [BBI] 19,094 46% 655 43% 201 April 23, 2024 @ 11:13 pm
Allosaurus_destroyer [BBI] 18,998 48% 625 48% 625 July 24, 2024 @ 11:30 pm
Madmen [BBI] 43,115 47% 623 46% 326 July 01, 2024 @ 8:52 pm
martin0099 [BBI] 7,827 47% 566 47% 566 December 01, 2022 @ 6:12 pm
Chip_124 [BBI] 28,033 47% 565 48% 294 July 10, 2024 @ 10:42 pm
tommyaudet [BBI] 15,011 47% 527 47% 527 July 03, 2024 @ 9:35 pm
50lbsenmoins [BBI] 35,265 43% 423 43% 423 July 21, 2024 @ 10:02 pm
JayJay291 [BBI] 19,123 44% 415 44% 415 July 14, 2024 @ 1:10 am
Total: 27

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